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Below, things were less optimistic. Upon realizing they were not looking at oblong alien isles, but instead a pair of youthful female feet and legs that stretched literal miles up into the sky, the huge crowd gathered to see off the cruise ships was thrown into screaming panic. Soon the dark clouds above were discovered to be not a result of weather, but the titanic girl’s clothing. The more of her body that emerged from the fog, the greater the hysteria increased below, across the entirety of Seaway.

Unfortunately, the gathered throngs were so tightly packed for a good view of the departing ships, it was impossible to make a clean exit back to the city proper. In the quaint seaside streets, cars were packed into a city-wide traffic jam, though many simply abandoned their vehicles, taking pointless flight away from the coastline, or simply huddling in their basements to wait out emergency services. Those services, and a small military cadre, did their best to keep everyone calm, but it was clearly a losing battle.

When those feet finally “arrived,” close enough that one more step would surely send the toes barreling into the city for annihilation, most feared the end was here. They couldn’t hope to repel such a leviathan, and no force on Earth could, either. At any second, they understood, the next pinkish ped would ascend, hover in the air for just a moment, then come crashing down: the toes burrowing in for the initial seismic blow, the heel settling in like an oversized asteroid, the fleshy slope of the arch pounding a new canyon into the ruins of Seaway. Nothing would be left of the sea port except a footprint molded into the stone-and-metal metropolis like clay.

But that didn’t happen. They weren’t obliterated in shadow and sole-skin. Instead the toes came to a stop, which nonetheless shuddered the waves hard enough that they washed well-over the docks, soiling dozens of homes along the beach. Though the danger hadn’t retreated, most of the citizens stopped the mayhem for a moment of eerie silence. All eyes went to giantess to see what would happen next, knowing now that whether they hid or ran, they would still be doomed if she took one more step. No matter how hard they tried, it was impossible to see her face up through the clouds, until someone in the observatory used a telescope to spot the brunette’s innocent and sweet-tempered face.

Then she descended. The girl’s feet remained rooted to the ocean floor, but the rest of her towering citadel of a body was dropping to a crouch. For a moment everyone assumed she was falling on top of them, which would’ve multiplied the extent of the catastrophe exponentially, to go from just one foot’s destructive squashing capabilities, to an entire body of that astronomic size giving into gravity. The force of her fall might’ve simply split the planet.

Yet again they were surprised, as it was clear the giantess was going to a controlled kneel, though it wasn’t all good news. The wind generated by the lowering of her form swept across the coast, knocking over anyone in the crowd directly in the way of the airy wall, and toppling others like dominoes behind them. The whistling gale continued through the streets, blowing open shutters and slamming doors. Their cool seaside temperature dropped by several degrees. Then at last, when the girl’s knees struck the ocean, barely concealing the very summit of her soft joints into the comparatively shallow waters, another gust of wind blasted over Seaway, followed by a mammoth wave.

The white water curled and crested right into Seaway’s port, splashing all those gathered at the docks, and forcing them to take hold of the nearest railing to avoid being washed right into a building, or even the ocean itself. The beachside houses went from merely soaked to waist-high flooding, and the water rushed a full half-mile deep into the city. As a canal divided the town at its center, there was now one bent leg pointed to each half of the place like an infinite altar of creamy thigh flesh.

Momentary relief that Seaway hadn’t been drowned during this event swiftly turned back to panic at the sight of the giant girl’s arm extending toward them. Her hand, an island unto itself, unfurled on approach, with fingers the size of inlets outstretching in all directions. That shadow of that open hand further cooled the water-logged, wind-chilly town, making them feel as though they’d suddenly transformed into winter. Then, against all odds, the hand did not come flying down to pancake them into paste. Instead, it swiveled back and forth, causing the sun to alternately flicker between her powerful digits, all while a cheerful yet booming voice sounded from the heavens, too deep to be interpreted by tiny mortal ears. She was… waving. And laughing.

Sherry was on the verge of swooning with joy, her cheeks blushed pink and her mouth curved in an irrepressible smile of wonder. Her eyes darted from one micro-pleasure to another, marveling at the diminutive architecture and urban design. They were such an admirable little society, she decided, so fragile relative to normal-sized things like Sherry, yet determined to create, even if they were smaller than dust particles. This town was like the best dollhouse she could ever imagine, though of course she couldn’t touch it or play with it, much as she wanted to. As it was, Sherry was apprehensive that while kneeling she’d accidentally swept too much water onto the land, which probably got some of their shoes wet, thus annoying them, and the last thing Sherry wanted was for the little people to be annoyed at her.

“I don’t know why I never noticed you before!” Sherry said to the town below. “Maybe because you’re so small, I missed you next to the water there, like a special sea shell. Well, not anymore! I’m going to come visit you all the time. Don’t worry, I’ll try not to break anything when I come. I think in time we can become really good friends. I really like meeting new people, after all. You’ll see that after you’ve all had the chance to get to know me! Oh, wait, I’m sorry. I can’t believe I haven’t introduced myself! My name is Sherry. What do you call this place?”

After her bubbly rambling, the girl silenced herself, listening closely for a response. But she heard nothing.

“Hmm. This could be a problem. You’re too far away for me to hear you, and none of your buildings are really tall enough to reach my ears, so I guess I’ll have to come to you!” Sherry concluded. “Just give me a second! I’ll go nice and slow.”

Keeping her legs bent and her toes flexed in the ocean for grip, the girl bowed her torso deeper and deeper, holding herself with balletic control, until she’d ducked into the equivalent of a yogi’s child-pose. From here, Sherry’s face was as near as it could come to the city without outright resting her cheek on the surface, which she assumed would probably be prickly and not very uncomfortable on her face. Plus, the city might not appreciate it either. Despite her carefulness, she did notice a gnat-like tickle on the tip of her nose.

“Hellooooo! Can you hear me better now?” Sherry murmured in her most secretive whisper, worried that raising her voice could startle them. “In case you didn’t hear me from up there, my name is Sherry, and I want to be friends with your whole little town! It’s the most beautiful and amazing and cutest thing I’ve ever seen, and I love it so much already! I’ll be back every day now to visit you, so we can all have the chance to get acquainted, and I can see your little town again! Can someone down there please tell me what it’s called?”

Thoughtfully, Sherry then turned her head to the side, instead pointing her left ear down at the heart of the city. She even cupped her palm around it, to focus the sound, and waited in breathless silence for a full minute. At last she heard several shrill cries, not unlike a mouse’s call, if said mouse was the size of a mouse to a mouse. Gleeful, the girl assumed these must be greeting announcements, and continued listening to their indecipherable peeps, feeling she’d made a hundred new best friends already.


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