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Matt’s efforts to resist again were only met with a soft pinky toe shoving itself right into his skull. Sarah’s never-ending laughter would’ve been adorable if it wasn’t completely at his expense while she turned him into a human massage aid. It was still near-incomprehensible to him to think that this eighteen-year-old, with her lilting laugh and girly-girl hobbies, was so easily capable of dominating him.

“Here’s your prize, Boogie, for doing such a good job. You get to smell my cute little feet again, just how you like!” There was no way to stop her as the girl’s powerful foot rested on Matt’s legs, pinning him down, while the opposite ped stretched forward and separated her big and second toes as far as she could, making plenty of room for his head. Lovingly, the girl jammed Matt’s face into the tender crevice of skin at the crook of her giddy toes, and embraced him tightly. “Mmm, there we go! You fit perfectly between my toes. I knew there was a good reason I found you. It’s almost like destiny, right? It’s just so lucky that I picked a pet who goes so well under my feet!”

Sarah’s reasoning reminded Matt of lines from her teen-drama-romance show. This fact might’ve gotten on his nerves, if he wasn’t already deeply concerned with the fact that his nose and mouth were being continually stamped into the doughy span of skin between this girl’s monstrous toes. Worse, the longer she held him here without release, it became necessary to try to breathe. Timidly, Matt gasped for air, and was repulsed by the feeling of his lips dragging on the musky foot flesh.

Ha!” Sarah squealed, and clamped her toes harder around his head. “Don’t tickle me like that, Boogie! The game’s over. I’m just trying to reward you now by letting you smell your favorite owner’s feet, see?”

As per the routine, this activity arrived at a grateful ending. Sarah would plant a temporary farewell kiss on Matt’s head, then leave him in the slipper while she disappeared to have dinner downstairs with her family. Then she’d reappear an hour later, with some leftover crumbs for him, and sprinkle them into the shoe. He had to eat the remnants of bread, cheese, and lettuce right out of the reeking fabric insole, of course, which made him gag on every bite. During the whole thing, Sarah watched him eat with big adoring eyes and occasional commentary asking him if he enjoyed the snacks she’d found “just for him.”

When it came time for bed, however, Sarah broke with the routine for the first time in her week-long ownership of Matt. Rather than putting him back in the shoe, the girl clambered into bed, still with the young man in her gentle hands, and slipped into peaceful slumber with him entrapped in the clam shell formation of her hands.

Already Matt was missing his usual bed inside Sarah’s slipper. Sure, the smell there was musty and made it hard to sleep as Sarah’s toe-odor filled his lungs; however, it was far more challenging now to get rest when he was entombed within a constantly shifting pair of grabby hands large enough to completely imprison him behind her slender fingers.

Each time Sarah murmured and rolled over in bed, gravity became nonexistent as Matt was slammed from side to side against her giant clenched palms; it was only lucky that her skin was so soft and inviting, to avoid injuring him every few minutes. Sarah was definitely an active dreamer. Matt even heard her whispering in her sleep a few times throughout the night. The word “Boogie” was muttered several times, followed by a lazy giggle.

Somehow or other, though, Matt did get to sleep. He became aware of this only when he was rudely awakened by a gargantuan pair of puckered, spit-glossed lips hammering him with puffy kisses. Across his whole body, Sarah’s cutely pursed lips dotted circles of drool, while her thumbs kept him pinched firmly down to the bedding of her cushy palm. Smooch after sloppy smooch was laid into Matt’s face and chest, making him sticky before he’d even had a chance to become fully conscious. Worst of all, her morning breath was in full force, hovering in a pestilential fog around Matt; no matter how much he coughed, he couldn’t clear the airway of Sarah’s unwashed exhalations.

“Good morning, Boogie!” Sarah chimed, and engulfed Matt’s head into her lips again like the side of a lollipop. “That was so much fun, letting you sleep in here with me. I think maybe we’ll do it from now on! Wouldn’t you like that?”

“No!” Matt groaned.

“Of course you would!” Sarah cheered, as always not understanding. Her three-inch pet resigned himself to yet another slobbery kiss which left a string of the girl’s spit dangling from his chin. Another hot mist of morning breath poisoned Matt’s lungs. She wiped her mouth, smiled with seething adoration at the helpless man in her curious hands, then hopped out of bed. Humming to herself as she readied her school clothes and selected a pair of shoes to wear for the day, Matt was actually strangely grateful to see her lowering him toward the dark opening of a sneaker. Once she left for the day, he could catch up on sleep.

Unfortunately, that hope was dashed when Matt turned around and saw not a giant hand lifting him up to leave him on the shelf, but instead the shadow of a bare foot sliding itself into the opening. She was going to wear it with him still inside. Sarah’s toes tackled Matt against the briny-smelling wall, and flexed as Matt’s arms and legs were ensnared between the girl’s digits.

“SURPRISE!” Sarah called out loudly enough for him to hear her all the way down inside the dank, humid hovel of her shoe crowded with muscle and skin. “I’m taking you to SCHOOL with me today, Boogie! Now I know for sure you won’t forget me and how I smell, cuz you’ll have it all day! Lots of time for you to hug and kiss my toes. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before.”

Matt curled into a ball and cursed the day he was born as he felt the undulation of the teenage giantess’s massive weight bearing down on him, peeling away, grappling him into the fleshy bell-curve of her toes before squashing down on him all over again.

And that was just a single step.


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