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(Disclaimer: Don't worry, this doesn't turn into FM/m)


For a few more seconds, Carl writhed back and forth, not quite in agony but certainly far more uncomfortable than he’d been mere hours before during his ill-advised sexual romp. Angelina obviously savored the power she held over him; there was a joyful glint in her eye Carl hadn’t seen in years, if ever, while she manhandled him with the ease of flicking a cock-shaped light switch.

“Let… go… of… me!” he huffed. Despite the stinging of his ex’s squeezed fingers, there was unfortunately just a twinge of pleasure activated as well, thanks to the muscle memory of their recent triste. Though Carl hated to admit it, Angelina knew his body well enough to inflict an exquisite orgasm, but accordingly, she also knew how to push him well over the edge into aching. Such as right now.

“All right, I suppose we’ll be here all night if I don’t stop toying with you eventually and get down to business, though I assure you there will still be plenty of time to fuck with you later, depending on how cooperative you choose to be with me,” Angelina relented.

She released Carl’s penis from between her fingers, causing him to exhale in relief. Her hand retracted, though the rest of her body loomed just as large and in-charge as before. Those dangling white balloons of her tits were so close, Carl could’ve leaned forward and jammed his head right into the gelatinous chasm between them, if not for the rubber bands.

“I’ll make this simple for you, dear. As you always say, time is money,” Angelina sighed. She withdrew at last from the table, arching back to her full intimidating height. However, as she straightened up, she took hold of the pink chair leg in her coiled fingers and slowly dragged her husband from the center of the surface closer to the edge. Carl did his best to wrench away, but only succeeded in tipping the Barbie seat backward so far he should’ve fallen, if his ex-wife’s hand wasn’t in total control of the toy furniture, and him along with it.

“Okay, listen closely now. This can be as easy or as hard as you’d like to make it, dear. The choice is entirely up to you, and you should be grateful for that, because not much else is going to be up to you tonight,” Angelina said. “I can’t believe it’s necessary to say this to you at all, but seeing how easily you were willing to jump back in bed with me thinking all was forgiven, here’s your refresher course: Your big expensive lawyers left me dirt in the divorce. I barely had enough to get myself a decent apartment after you kicked me out. Really, this whole fortune, and you couldn’t spare just enough for me to live comfortably? Me, the woman who gave up the best years of her life for you? Somehow or other you got the judge on your side, too, even though it was you fooling around with that Hooters girl on the nights I worked late.”

Carl squirmed. It was typical of his ex to paint him as the villain in this scenario, but regardless of how she spun the facts, he could hear the vitriol spiking in her tone, which made him anxious, despite his best efforts. Still, his own blood pressure was rising as well.

“So I’m here tonight to get what’s coming to me, darling. No, I don’t mean that rather half-hearted fucking you graced me with before. I mean I plan to seize a more… sizable portion of your assets, more commensurate to the grief you put me through,” Angelina explained. “What’s more, you won’t be going anywhere, getting rid of me, nor changing back to normal again until my demands are met. So, Carl, what will it be? Will you be playing ball, or shall I have to get crafty?”

Red in the face, quivering with rage, Carl gritted his teeth. Then he opened his mouth.

“What’s coming to you? I’ll tell you what’s coming to you, Angelina. A world of hurt if you don’t reverse whatever the hell you did to me right now, that’s what. Do you have any idea who I am and what I’m capable of, or were you too busy all those years dumping my money down the drain for your ten-thousandth pair of shoes?” Carl spat, on a roll now. He leaned as far forward as he could, straining the bands. “Do you know how many threats I get in a year, just for being so goddamn good at my job? Do you have any CONCEPT of what I can do to people who cross me, especially desperate whores like you who don’t know how to quit while they’re ahead? You will get me off this fucking chair and back to normal, or I promise you, those expensive lawyers you hate so much will put you in a legal hole so deep you’ll never see the light of day again. And that’s if I don’t put you there MYSELF.”

Carl breathed heavily, now ramped into a frenzy, and in dire need of an outlet to let off steam, even though he was still a shrunken weakling bound to a doll accessory. He hunched, staring at the tabletop, and at last let his eye line drift upward along the ebony canvas of Angelina’s form-squeezing dress. He traced the narrow contour of her hips, up to the magnificent swell of her creamy, hefty cans still trying to sidle out of her dress’s neckline like prize cantaloupes. The man was startled by the lack of panic in Angelina’s countenance; normally when he reamed his board room like that, things fell right into line.

But not now. If anything, the giantess’s look of gothic glee had amped up to a state of near-euphoria. Her eyes bright, her lips curled in a full grin, Angelina bowed slightly over the tabletop again, bringing her massive chest to bear right above her ex-husband, though she kept them from touching him by supporting the weight with both hands. Then, gripping the fabric in her fingers, she began to pull back the veil on her left breast, slowly, all while keeping the increasingly visible globe of her flabby tit held aloft. Her brown, goosebump-stippled areola came into view, followed by the sharply erect nub of her nipple, and pointed directly at Carl’s head like artillery.

“So, I suppose we’ve chosen the hard way, then,” she said. “That works just fine for me.”

Angelina bobbed her chin down, thus submerging the lower half of her face in ashen breast meat. Puckering hard, she left a loud wet smack of a kiss on her boob as a signature, then promptly removed her hand from beneath the flank. Instantly, the floppy volume of her now-naked breast tumbled down, altering its shape like a malleable mountain of clay, and all of it converged on Carl below.

The little man yelped just as his ex-wife’s smooth, cellulite-ridden boob covered the entirety of his body and drowned out his sound. Her heartbeat pulsated like a freight train through the pulpy layers of lard and muscle. Though thick and solid as anything, it nevertheless practically oozed, molding to the awkward L-formation of the naked prisoner in his Barbie chair. Like a sandbag the size of a weather balloon, Angelina’s girth heavily pressurized her ex, holding him down and bringing him darkness and itching discomfort, even while these very same breasts had provided such kinky pleasures mere hours before. Carl’s struggles were even more in vain than when he fought against the rubber bands; while he could cause those to budge slightly before the tension snapped him back against the plastic, there was no combating Angelina’s humongous boob.

After a minute, the woman took a step back, gradually allowing her breast to roll off of Carl and plop in a mushy heap at the foot of the chair. It landed with a tremendous thud that nearly toppled the chair from the force of its wind. Carl shook his head, dizzy, warm, and a smidge numb from the encounter with that gargantuan breast. Once it finally rested there on the tabletop, looking like an overstuffed beanbag dotted with freckles and pre-emptive middle-age creases, Carl had the chance to resume his earlier cry, but he was rendered void of words once again. It took some serious doing to dry up the man’s clout, but this colossal bitch had managed to do it. Wild-eyed and nervous, he gazed up at his wife’s triumphant face above. She winked.

“All right, I think you can come in now,” she loudly beckoned, though without turning around. Angelina’s attention never abandoned the sad shrunken man before her, nor did she collect her pudgy nude breast back into its saddle yet, perhaps as some kind of warning of what she could do to him if he mouthed off again.

Carl frowned. Who was she talking to?

A man emerged from the shadows. Ordinarily Carl might have busied himself trying to recall where he’d seen the guy’s face, but the shrunken man was preoccupied by the fact that this younger stranger was wearing nothing but a white lab coat. The nearer the grinning nobody stepped into the light, the more of his willowy frame was highlighted by the candle glow. Then, at last, he stood right beside Angelina, and a sight even more unsettling than his half-nakedness became clear.

His cock, just as exposed as the rest of him, hung like a baguette. It was thicker than the man’s wrist, and once he cupped the enormous shaft in both hands, he released the mass of his cock on the table with a clatter that rivaled the avalanche of Angelina’s swollen teat-bag. Carl would’ve felt emasculated by the size of the stranger’s equipment, given his own miniaturized baby-carrot-sized package, if he wasn’t even more unnerved at the appearance of a second giant.

“What, you thought you were the only one allowed to have a little fling outside the marriage?” Angelina taunted. She casually flicked her ex-husband upside his dick, smiled at his pain, then at last stood fully back up, cradling her enormous breast along with her and tucking it partially back into its holster. “You went for the boozy D-cup college freshman slut who could barely spell her own name. I went for something a little better.”

Carl glanced back and forth from the face of his ex-spouse to her apparent secret lover.

“Say hello to Andy, dear. You should know him already, though I expect you don’t, but he’s the smartest man on your payroll. A few months ago, he was just a shy little bookworm working in your R&D department, but once I gave him a little push, he started putting his skillset to better use. Beginning by improving this delicious thing…”

As she spoke, Angelina began petting the man’s rod, gliding her fingers back and forth along its considerable length.

“…and eventually sharing his gifts with me,” she said.


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