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Matt drew labored breath under the mattress-like heft of Sarah’s enormous, putty-soft sole, which currently was resting directly upon him. As she had for five days straight now after returning home from school, the eighteen-year-old removed him from the slipper she’d placed him inside atop her closet shelves, dropped him on the bedspread, then happily plopped either her wriggling toes or the entire brunt weight of her meaty foot right down upon the three-inch man.

“I’m home, Boogie!” Sarah sang cheerily, as she rubbed Matt’s helpless body around under her grit-flecked feet, which had been walked on in warm socks for eight whole hours. “Did ya miss me? And my feet? Cuz they sure missed you, and how cool you feel on my skin, since it’s all hot and stuff out there.”

The question was more rhetorical; it was now firmly established that Matt couldn’t actually answer her in a language she’d understand. He’d tried continually throughout the past seven days since his capture to scream explanations at the unabashed girl in plain English; he tried when she determined that “Boogie” was his new name, and again tried when she removed his clothes as easily as a doll’s and replaced them with coarser ones she’d hand-stitched for him.

But the answer was definitively no. He did not miss her feet.

“You really do feel super nice down there, Boogie,” Sarah complimented sweetly. She pushed the thick pad of her big toe down on Matt’s stomach, slowly expelling his air supply. “I don’t know if you get tired of this sometimes or not, but since I know for sure you do the puppy thing where you like your owner’s smell, I gotta make sure you get plenty of my smell when I come home every day. I can’t let you forget me, you know!”

There certainly was plenty of it; Matt wasn’t in danger of forgetting the odor of Sarah’s lively peds any time soon. The ditzy girl was an active and adventurous type, prone to breaking into casual dancing or bouncing about with excitement. As a result, the exertion meant her feet were cooking all day in her fashionable sneakers and cotton socks.

Those socks, damp with salty perspiration, would peel away slowly from her pink soles, which glistened slightly with lingering sweat, right before Sarah grinned down at Matt and made her toes pounce on him. Instantly the congealed sweat would sop into him like a sponge. The stench was earthy, rubbery, and bitter like distilled vinegar; in fact, Matt was shocked that such a youthful girl, so pretty on the outside, could produce such swampy filth.

All Matt wanted to do now was get the hell out of here and attempt the journey back home, wherever that was; Sarah never let him get far enough out of her clutches to guess his geographic location. People had to be worried about him by now. As relaxed and “with it” as his beloved girlfriend Nadia was, even she would surely start to take issue with his being gone a whole week. And he was dearly missing her touch. Yet there was no end in sight, and to hear Matt’s new bubbly blonde host, this was his permanent habitat now. Sarah meant to keep him forever.

The routine every day was the same. First, hours spent alone in the dark inside a slipper which stunk strongly of old soap and raunchy adolescent foot skin. Then, Matt would hear the pounding of gleeful footsteps as the girl charged toward her bedroom and snatched him out of the closet prison.

“Where’s my Boogie? Where is he? There he is!” she cooed, like she was speaking to an obedient dog, as her giant fingers fished into the mouth of the shoe and dragged Matt out by his ankles.

Next, Sarah would spend a good twenty minutes playing with her pet under her feet: rolling him up and down the length of her flat sole, gripping his little legs between her pudgy toes, or just plain wedging her heel against his miniscule head to give him the purest possible whiff. Then, once she got bored of such direct interaction, she’d whip out her cell phone and start texting friends, or put on some auto-tuned pop music or mushy teen romantic drama TV. But this didn’t mean a break for Matt. For the next hour still, he remained a footrest for a girl hundreds of time his size.

“Ugh, I can’t believe she’s gonna stay with him!” Sarah complained about the attractive model actors playing out melodrama. When the television’s contents were particularly upsetting to the obviously emotional girl, her plush toes would pinch around Matt like iron vices. “Last episode they left it on a cliffhanger, and now they’re still together! Can you believe it, Boogie?”

It was useless to fight back against the foot-smothering; the first time Matt tried, Sarah only thought he was playing, and responded by squashing her moist sole down even harder on his body. She pressurized him with such strength that Matt could actually feel his body molding into her skin like wet clay, and when she pulled away at last, he could see the pale imprint of his body flushed into her wrinkled sole. Still, today, he summoned the strength to make another fruitless effort, and began kicking and punching the ceiling of foot flesh.

“Haha! Nice try, Boogie. I like that game, too. I’ll put you under my foot again, and we’ll see if you can tickle me enough to get off of you. Ready? Go!” Sarah kept to her word and proceeded to bury Matt under her peachy sole. Stupidly, he actually followed her directions, and tried to battle and squeeze his way out from under the girl’s smooth instep. With the lubricant of her sweat, he almost made it. However, just as he was starting to emerge from underneath, Sarah’s opposite foot reared, and she pinched his torso gently between two of her velvety toes.

Gotcha! You know I wouldn’t really let you get away, even though you did a pretty good job,” Sarah giggled as she manhandled the shrunken toy with her dexterous digits.


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