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Though hard to believe, Niko hoped that was true as Cate’s jaws opened wide to receive her lunch. Her fingers passed him over the pink threshold of her plush lips, past the hardy fencing of her teeth, until he was right above the drippy slab of her tongue again, where she pressed him down. In a last show of visible kindness, Cate’s hand waved merrily to him from outside her mouth as her jaws clamped back together, sealing him in wet muggy darkness. Before Niko could even think to be frightened anew by the eerie stillness, he felt Cate getting to work on savoring her lunch. Her tongue now had access to his whole little naked body, and made use of it, cupping him along the slippery organ and pressing him into the side of her cheek. He was passed from corner to corner of her mouth, just as Cate vowed, until Niko could feel the squelchy walls enclosing and compressing while she began to suck on him like a jawbreaker. The buildup was intense, and made Niko’s heart race at first, until he noticed that it indeed didn’t inflict pain, but was merely a surreal sensory experience he had to get used to.

Niko traveled in circles around Cate’s mouth, the giantess in full control of his every move. She swished him on a bedding of her strong tongue and frothy saliva, which was rising higher like a moat all the time around him, her salivary glands sensing an edible object’s presence and preparing for a smoothly lubricated swallow. But she wasn’t ready just yet. The young woman gently yet firmly indulged her mealtime ritual, either suckling or massaging her tongue around her yummy little intern at any given moment. This went on for quite a while, like the licking, and in time Niko got comfortable with being swirled through his boss’s mouth. In fact, once he started picking up on the relaxing, massaging, even titillating feeling of that tongue fondling his naked body over and over, the boy started to like this, against all odds.

A new gesture took Niko by surprise when he felt Cate’s tongue bunching behind his legs and pushing him closer to the front of her mouth, over her teeth and into her pinched lips. Then, just as his head was forcibly kissed into the wall, the giantess’s lips parted, and the spit-slicked little man started to spill out of her mouth, but she skillfully kept him from going any further once Niko’s head and shoulders alone had escaped. Blinking through the gluey saliva collected on his face, the tiny intern was startled to realize he could see himself in reflection, as Cate had walked to a mirror and was standing in front of it with a big smile on her face, with her pitifully small employee poking out between her lips like a stray noodle.

For a full silent minute, Niko stared in wide wonder at the visage of his tiny helpless face peeking out from the center of the giantess’s tremendous mouth amidst the even-more humongous mirror-reflected image that was her face. Her adoring smile while still keeping him pinned in place, half-in and half-out of her mouth, only compounded the effect. Even more than seeing Cate’s mouth open to claim him before, this mind-blowing sight put things in humbling perspective for Niko. He truly was just an insignificant mite by comparison to this gigantic, smart, self-assured beauty. Just when the sight was becoming too much for him, Cate slurped hard, and Niko’s fleeting vision of himself poking through her lips was replaced with soggy darkness again as she pulled him fully back inside her mouth with a thunderous giggle and a twirl of her tongue.

Instinctively, Niko knew the time had come. He felt gravity shift on its axis as Cate tipped her head back, slowly so her lunch could acclimate. Her tongue wrapped around him again, aligning Niko with Cate’s throat somewhere below in the blackness. Frosted in her sticky salivary juices, the little fellow just awaited his fate now. There was a pause, a last breath, and he was launched into her esophagus. The passage was pain-free, yet again just as promised, and surprisingly easy; Niko had subconsciously feared getting stuck on Cate’s uvula, choking both of them in the process. The young woman was clearly practiced, though, and managed to swallow him just as easily as any ordinary bite of food. Which, of course, he was to her now.

Niko descended quickly through the tunnel, the ribbed walls hugging him and assisting his tractor-beam motion toward the next stage of her digestive system, where he’d come to rest until it was time to come up again. Rivers of saliva followed behind him as she gulped several times to add additional lubricant, and a light pressure from outside the wall of her neck suggested to Niko that Cate’s hand was tracing his journey down her gullet, just as she’d demonstrated before.

With a splash he landed in her stomach, feeling very much like he was lazing in a jacuzzi hot tub with the lights off, and even more quickly than he had while being licked or tossed around in Cate’s mouth, Niko felt right at home. There were no haunting gurgles, no suffering or terror, or any of the other awful things his imagination used to tell him would happen if he was ever eaten by a giant. This was… actually pleasant. Heck, it was far more comfortable than sitting at that hand-me-down desk for his internship, or even his own bed. Niko felt like he was having an out-of-body experience, though in fact he was deeply in a body instead.

Cate leaned back in her chair, her palm gently clasped over her flat belly as she sensed Niko’s movement within, and then moaned quietly with utter satisfaction. She’d made the correct choice for lunch. That much was certain.

“I hope that was all right for you, Niko, and that you can relax in there for a while,” Cate said, loud enough for her words to reach the inside of her stomach. She patted her tummy, knowing he would feel it. “Can you hear me, little one?”

“Y-Yes, I can hear you!” Niko replied, his tiny voice just barely getting through. “It wasn’t so bad. I… I actually liked it. It’s nice in here. Y-You were right… Cate.”

“You remembered this time!” she cooed, and couldn’t help but blush at his compliment. “Wonderful.”

“D-Did I taste okay?”

Did you? Oh Niko, I have to say, you were even more delicious than I thought you’d be when I first laid eyes on you a week ago. If I’d known how tasty you’d be, I’d have eaten you by the time your internship orientation was over,” Cate swore, and he knew she meant it. What’s more, it made Niko glad to hear. “You were the perfect lunch. I think I know what my food order is going to be tomorrow, too. And the day after. And the day after that. We’re going to be spending a lot of time together around here, little one. You’ll learn soon enough that I’ve got quite an appetite for delicacies like you.”

This, too, filled Niko with happiness as he settled into the lukewarm nest of Cate’s stomach for a soothing rest, already looking forward to his next trip within as her food.




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