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Centrifugal force gently bounced Matt against the giant blonde’s curved fingers and palm. She was moving now, and quickly.

A minute in the anonymous cell of her fist passed. Matt heard the sound of those colossal bare soles slapping across a tile floor, followed by muting on carpet. He heard her steps landing hard on stairs, the sound of another door opening and closing, and then he was brought back to the light.

No sooner was Matt given a brief glimpse of the pink-patterned great hall of the bedroom, though, when he was faced with a different challenge entirely. A pair of massive, puckered, freshly glossed eighteen-year-old girl’s lips flew straight toward him.

Throwing up his hands in defense did no good. Matt’s entire top half was thrust against moist, vibrating lips which bloomed into kissing formation. On either side, her fingers cupped to ensure he had no chance of rolling away from her gooey affections. Suction from within her mouth kept Matt adhered to those lips, as did the glue-like saliva and the pressure of her fingers on his back. Her lips pulsed like a beating heart. Dramatically, a musical moan emanated from the giant girl’s throat while she kissed, like something she’d heard from a soap opera.

“Mmmmmwah!” the girl slurred, ending the kiss with rising volume. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, then grinned down at the shrunken man trapped in her palm. “Sorry, you were just too cute not to kiss. My name’s Sarah, by the way, little man.”

“S-S-Sarah?” Matt repeated back dumbly. He breathed heavily, perhaps even more shocked than when he first discovered his size reduction; her warm spit and the residue of lip gloss still painted the front of his face and torso. “I d-don’t know why you did that, but, um, I really do need to use your phone, Please, I-”

“Awwww, you’re trying to talk to me, aren’t you! Just like a real person!” Sarah cooed, stroking his hair with her finger. The girl rocked back and forth as she sat on the end of her bed. She scrunched her face and babied her voice, like she was talking to an infant, or maybe a hamster. “That is so precious. Listen to you: meep meep meep, meep meep meep. You’re almost perfect, little man, you know? I think I’m definitely gonna keep you forever.”

Minutes into the nightmare, and Matt was now rethinking his already warped reality yet again. Could she actually not understand what he was saying? It was possible she was just being sadistically advantageous, pretending not to comprehend, but the girl spoke with such innocent conviction that he believed her assessment of him as an animal. Even though it terrified him to his core.

Matt started thrashing about in Sarah’s hands. He hardly thought of the threat of the drop below, nor that car-sized foot which so casually lifted up and brushed him in the yard. After a few seconds of useless struggle, Sarah seemed to take pity and, with an amused smirk, bent toward the carpet below and opened her hands.

The moment Sarah’s fingers uncurled from his body, Matt took off running. He knew his pathetically tiny legs wouldn’t carry him far, but he had to do something. Pumped with adrenaline, he sprinted toward the distant closet doors. It wasn’t a great chance, but maybe he could take shelter in there and come up with a new plan.

“Ooh, somebody wants to play, huh?” Sarah called out, laughing. The floor rumbled beneath Matt as he felt her setting those bare feet back on the carpet and taking long, melodramatic strides in chase. So he ran harder. As Matt dove under the closet door, though, it occurred to him that there was no way he could’ve reached this far if she hadn’t let him; Sarah was just toying with him.

Nothing immediately caught his eye for cover in the blackness. Matt fumbled blindly forward, still at top speed, and toppled over the side of a stomach-high leathery wall. Not stopping to question the obstacle, Matt crawled frantically forward on his hands and knees until he bumped his head into the curved inner wall of the short tunnel; breathing heavily with exertion, only now did Matt notice the stench of fruity lotions and salty sweat baked into the fibers of the squishy ground and walls.

He was in Sarah’s shoe. A black ballet flat, to be precise.

Light spilled into the shoe, revealing the identity of Matt’s poor hiding place, as the titanic teen opened the closet doors. And there was Sarah, towering overhead, and wearing another of her loopy smiles. She brushed a blonde strand over her ear, cocked her head, then lifted her left foot off the carpet again. The slender pink mass of that ped lurched toward the resting ballet flat, until her toes curled over the edge and gripped the shoe. Matt felt the insole shudder under him.

“PLEASE!” Matt cried. His body was quaking too hard to attempt another escape, and not with those monstrous toes right there and so flippantly dragging this boat of a shoe around. “Can’t you understand me? I need HELP! Please, won’t you help me

“You sure do get excited, don’t you, little guy? With all your cute noises you make. I wonder why you wanted to go in here?” Sarah commented sweetly. Her toes flexed on the mouth of the shoe, absentmindedly showing Matt the pillowy crevices and the spirals of her toeprints.

“I didn’t!” he shouted.

“Hmm,” the giant drawled, ignoring him again. “I think I’ve read something about this kind of thing. It’s like how puppies want to be close to the smells of their owners, cuz it reminds them of the people who take care of them and love them. Is that why you’re in there, little man? You wanna be close to my feet?”

“NO!” Matt was on the verge of crying now.

“Well… I think we can do something to help you with that. I’m a nice owner. You’ll see. I want you to be happy!” Sarah explained. Her toes arched and slid into the flat, followed by her thick sole, with the rest of her foot eating up space and backing Matt further into the pointed toe section. “So if you wanna be under my feet, who am I to argue?”

Unable to fight back, Matt was buried under a pile of wriggling, damp, briny-scented toes. He was wedged helplessly against the shoe’s wall, with Sarah’s gleefully dancing digits grasping at his body and entangling his limbs between. Her fingers tugged the back of the shoe, which let her full foot settle comfortably into the flat, with her new pet squashed safely beneath her sweet-and-sour foot flesh.

“I think we’re gonna have a lot of fun together,” Sarah whispered.


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