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I got the Covid, I did the animation but sadly I feel very sick now, can’t add sound on it. Am gonna try my best ^^’´



Get well soon my friend, don't worry about keeping up with the patreon , your health should come first

Tigereye Scratch

Don't worry about it friend please put your health first

Inqu Fox

Dont push yourself relax and get better! Covid can havr lasting effects if not rested or treated proper!


Get well soon kris!


It's okay, take a break, get your rest! You getting better is important, too <3 We can wait a week or two!


Oh heck no, don't push yourself with stress and work while you're sick. That's only gonna make you feel crummy longer. Take time to recover.


You and me both. Hope you get better, and don't push yourself to make work. Speaking from experience that only makes it worse.

Winter Green

Take your time, rest and do what's best for your body to heal!


I hope you are recovering and are safe 💙 ;^;