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Dr. Rodin

A lil bored so here’s my hot take *breathes*: This might’ve been when they’re developing more advanced task-oriented robots that’ll eventually become their star line of nandroids, starting with this one going into the task of hammering with a tool. I suspect the circuit lines that’s visible through the head are their early attempts of the CPUs/brains nandroid brains derives from the same tech but more primitive. They’re in early stages in which commands are sent via buttons instead of verbal and without the need of external equipment/computers 🤔


I don’t see a problem with the new model that is how you hammer a nail


Still impossible to read on my phone. Will there be separate slides?


Yes but I’m away from my computer today and the app won’t let me add them. I’ll have to wait until I get home for some reason, sorry for the inconvenience!


There have definitely been plenty of robots by this point who are capable of these simple tasks. It’s just the starting point when they’re testing things like motor skills and commands, of what is likely supposed to be a much more sophisticated robot later on!


That does look quite a bit like Dr. Bennet. Seems he's been with Sterling for quite a long time.

Wally Hackenslacker

And this is why software engineers run to the hills whenever someone utters the dreaded phrase... "demo day".

Greg H

Well, better this than an ED-209 situation.


Quick off topic question: How much does a nanny bot cost? I’d imagine it’s around the same price range of getting a tesla today


That engineer felt his soul escaping his body for a sec there.


Very good eye! This episode and its consequences might tell us something of how he developed his present personality.

Dr. Rodin

Oof yeah, I heard the guy they tested it on barely left the boardroom 😬…

Dr. Rodin

Besides some theorizing, I’m just loving the style and the colors here. It’s legit like technicolor but 4K in which obviously Sterling could afford for this marketing campaign; especially how for one chilling moment his silvery blue eyes stared into the souls of his staff it’s JUST GOOD 👌

Dr. Rodin

Basically yeah if Hargrove looks and feel anything like Bel-Air

Miy Eterp

Oof 😅