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Dr. Rodin

But also I might’ve been wrong with Ginny being a scientist herself, but she prolly DID learn some engineering skills from her father owning a chunk of robotics industries in the past. Heck she might’ve learned over the years the technical aspects in different kinds of robots her father helped industrialize 🤔

Dr. Rodin

Honestly??? With how the timeline is not EXACT, I can’t tell how young Ginny might’ve been for her father to start up the robotics industries with Sterling, her father looks pretty young in that portrait and I figured that Ginny was prolly in her young twenties when her dad was prolly in his 50s in his partnership with Sterling. But the way that Ginny looks and seems to react to loud noises such as Darcy’s interruptive voice seemingly puts her in 70s-80s.

Emmett Kelly

Don't get why she still hasn't just said "I was in for repairs at the Sterling Plant and, silly goose that I am, I managed to fall down a garbage chute. Please either take me back to the factory or my home and we can get this all cleared up!"

Dr. Rodin

Of course that would put Ginny in her 30s or a lil later by when her dad partnered with Sterling. Nothing wrong I suppose with learning robotics at that age, I then remembered what she said that could clue in to her prolly getting education sophisticated enough to learn about Robotics: her GRANDFATHER, and by extension her father to continue the legacy of being early adopters of robotic industries, putting grandad roughly around the 1910s-20s. BUT, I still can’t make heads or tails of how long ago this all have been, Ginny is prolly the only living person to date that have an extensive in-universe knowledge of the timeline and I’m only given SCRAPS at this point 😤😤😤😤😤😤


Emmy won’t go back to Sterling. She remembers they were going either dismantle her or shut her down indefinitely. She doesn’t want anyone to know that though.


You‘re starting to make a ton of comments again.. 🫢 just make a very long one and thats it. It honestly gets hard to read other peep‘s comments sometimes


In the panel with the painting of Aunt Ginny's father, Aunt Ginny refers to Emmy as "Emily". Was the intention that Ginny gets her name wrong or just an error?

Anthony LoGatto

Took the words right out of my mouth. That, and I doubt anyone would believe her to begin with.

Anthony LoGatto

Huh, looks like the plot thickens when it comes to those who worked for Sterling back in the day.


They never socialized Emmy on how to talk around outmodes, clearly.

Zane Duncan

Aww poor embarrassed Emmy


Based on Garrison's side glance in panel 7, Im gonna take a guess and say Garrison is a sterling bot from way back... Or else he knows that sterling has taken to destroying old bots rather than outmoding them


Yeah, I had the same thought! I‘m curious.


To be fair, she kinda deserved it. No robot likes being called inferior. 😄


The plot thickens and I love it! I laughed out loud at the "Booooo!"


I just assumed he was rolling his eyes at Emmy's attempts to convince them that she's not an outmode. Sure, it's a surprise that a Sterling robot is being outmoded, but he's gotten over that already and now fully believes she's an outmode. As Socket says to Emmy earlier, "It's normal to be in denial at first", so it doesn't surprise Garrison that Emmy (a particularly expensive robot, from a line that supposedly never been outmoded if we take the orange robot's statement of "I didn't expect to see a Sterling robot junked for another decade or so" at face value) is holding onto her delusions for a good while. Emmy's entire self-worth seems to be built on being a "good robot" and she's been led to believe that she will never be outmoded. If Emmy accepts that she's an outmode, she's in for a whole lot of ego crush.


That's possible... the facial expression is a bit hard to interpret. But based on what we've seen from Garrison so far, I feel like an eye roll would a be a bit out of character for him