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Make "us" like they used to? Does Dennis mean androids in general or something else?🤨


does the redhead ladybot have a name?

Anthony LoGatto

Here's hoping we'll get to know more about these bots and how they became outmodes.


What were their jobs?

Dr. Rodin

My gawd every bot here is taller than Emmy!! I’m guessing these bots are, if not all other bots (except for the lil one) are average adult size at like standard sizes? 🤔. For Emmy it’s obvious she’s a tad smaller to take care of young children (and to go back in some of my old theories she’s made of a mix of plastic & metal to be light-weight to not hurt kids, therefore her small height)

Dr. Rodin

Wait that big guys comment about Sterling bots is interesting. 🤔 These are what I think: A: obvs the junkyard & area they’re at is likely different from a junkyard where old Sterling bots are “retired to”. B: VERY LEAST likely Sterling bots are super-engineered to actually last for maybe at least a few “decade”s as the guy said. OR C: Sterling has their own disposal facilities that we’ve seen where Emmy was caught in before she got lost where the company “retires” old bots, prolly through a non-disclosure process of the owner leaving an old bot to be “facilitated” before being given a factory-new version of it “temporarily”…

Dr. Rodin

…I wouldn’t put it past the company to use this process to get their own “scrap metal” from recycle to build new bots 🤖 ☠️


Poor Emmy is overwhelmed. I find the smaller Robot really cute! 🥺🌸 Though, I‘d like to know if adult robots are built and programmed as "adults" right away OR do they start off with smaller and child-like robots and at some 'age' improve them..? There so much I want to know, haha. Also, is that real hair on Emmy, Dennis and the new Robot lady or is it some kind of moving.. metal or something?


I'd be willing to bet it's like doll hair or a wig.


I love how each of these characters were clearly built for something different. They each have so much personality!


She might, but we'll have to wait. Also, the way she's dressed and built raises some eyebrows about her purpose as a robot.


I wonder what all their functions were before they were outmoded. I'm guessing the green one was some sort of boxing/sparring bot.


Saw this in a previous, sports trainer, journalist, nandroid or modeling bot, kid one throws me, but theory is buy and build.