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Is...is that some sort of house arrest bracelet?


Did Emmy just get kidnapped?


100% Emmy just got shackled. Im guessing Darcy's aunt is going to put her to work 🙃


So Emmy is worried about not having her child safe certification, and recognizes Darcy is a child, but doesn’t hesitate to take her up on the offer to stay with her. Darcy can clearly take care of herself but still it’s interesting.


We haven't seen any sneak peeks of Darcy's aunt in concept art or anything have we?

Dr. Rodin

Yes, yes she did without knowing 😑🙏 Emmy PLEASE have some of your latent CPUs in your brain to realize what just happened 😤

Dr. Rodin

I’m thinking Darcy’s “aunt” isn’t actually related to her and she works for her in return she gets food and boarding. More like child labor. I’m thinking she’s turning Emmy in to her “aunt” for a more sizable pay (prolly her biggest yet) since Emmy is mostly in good condition save for the arm compared to a lot other bots she got mainly broken scraps after those junkyard bots take away the best parts.

Dr. Rodin

Honestly I think it could be one for bots if they set up their own security system wherever the “aunt” sets up her base of operations to make sure “potential products of selling” don’t run away.

Miy Eterp

Wow 😳


I think I did it again I made you believe we're really good friends Oh Emmy It might seem like a rescue But it doesn't mean that I'm serious 'Cause to take all the advantages That is just so typically me Oh Emmy, Emmy Oops, I did it again I replaced your arm, got lost in the game Oh Emmy, Emmy Oops, you think I'm a good rove' That I'm sent from above I'm not that innocent..


Possibly she doesn't see it as a violation of her child safety certification since she presumes that Darcy's Great-Aunt is taking care of her, not Emmy, and thus Emmy isn't breaking any laws. My less likely theory is that Emmy cares more about getting back to the Delaires than her safety certification to the point that she's willing to violate her safety certification to be with them - if she's willing to stay with Darcy illegally, she'd be willing to stay with the Delaires illegally if she could.


I have a feeling these two are gonna have some stuff to work out between each other later. Trust issues maybe.

Dr. Rodin

That lil graffiti that said “the moon is fake”. Please PLEASE this got t be a legit point of the timeline or it’s a lil throwaway that’s a ruse 😤😤😤😤😤😤

Dr. Rodin

Wait there’s also the lil graffiti of a giant smoke that looks SIMILAR to an atomic bomb detonating 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Hey! It's the frendship bracelet from Green eggs and Ham, "Genuine Freeeeeindship~!"