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This was actually inspired by something that happened when I was a little kid. I had a friend who had a big crush on my mom and would always talk about her. When she volunteered as a recess monitor one day he picked flowers for her, and my 5 year old self was not happy about that.




Looks like a someone has a crush


This is hilarious and adorable. Also I love Corbin's response 😂

Danny N.

Corbin must be a real treat at parties. Ajay is so sweet. This is a side of Molly I'm not used to. Feels nice.


Ajay, ALL nandroids have the same eye color.


Jealous boy!


Gourmet bot? So… Sterling makes more than just nandroids?


Unpopular opinion: Molly is one of my favourite nandroids. So it's nice to see her getting some (childlike) love.


Does that kid just no like people that don’t have a million IQ or something?

Dr. Rodin

The kid is being trained to bring more success to his family so he’s getting the BEST education money can buy, mainly on economics/finance to get smart with the stock market when he gets older. But it seems as well he likes reading/learning a lot in general if he happened to learn a lil bit about flowers cuz kids (no matter if they’re smart or not) doesn’t always want to focus on one thing so he doesn’t always read books on international currency exchanges cuz it can get BORING

Dr. Rodin

So what I’m basically saying, he’s a bookworm & he interacts more with books than with people really.


So… the world has totally forgotten about Emmy already?


Oh yes, a generation of robot f- fanciers is growing up. Go Ajay!


This is the first comic where I actually really like her. It's nice seeing her not in a b*tch mode for once.


Molly is always nice to the children and deferential to the adults like the rest of the nandroids. Her mean girl side comes out in regards to other nandroids and robots.

Anthony LoGatto

Glad to see Molly being nice for once.


This is adorable X^D I love that Ajay has puppy love for Molly, and that Corbin is somewhat jealous, or doesn't like (I imagine anyone) flirting with her. I kinda dislike Molly because of how she treats the other nandroids, but I can see, more or less, the type of personality that does that (in people's case, others of the same skin color, nationality, or socio-economic status). However, it's nice to see a sweet side to her.


Aww, that sparkle in Molly's eyes! Ajay totally just made her day.


OH MY GOODNESS, this episode is just melting my heart! They are so adorable!


Considering that in the Xmas wallpaper Corbin was shown planning something, and assuming that this story happened before the infamous party that led Emmy to Sterling's.. I feel safe enough to state that Corbin cracked Sterling's update for turning Emmy in a weapon in order to get rid of Ajay!


I love Molly so much. It's not even funny. :')