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Oh my God it's finally happening


Everybody stay calm… STAY CALM!!!


To quote a man with a signature look of superiority: I've been looking forward to this


Eeek! Don’t hurt us!


I just wonder 🤔 ... How much time had that box been there? I mean... Doesn't a nandroid need some recharging after a while?


I think the format comic is appearing kinda buggy on mobile. The second half of it is glitched out so it's almost off screen, I didn't notice there was another part to it until I clicked the small bit that appeared


oh darn I'd have expected her to wake up again like when she fell out of the fridge, not like this


I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of these problems for some time now. Because on my end everything looks great on mobile but I know some other people have had issues. I’m working on it still so I appropriate your patience.

Danny N.

Here we are at a turning point. Emmys going to be ok!

Anthony LoGatto

Not gonna lie, but I busted out laughing when Emmy woke up again.

Emmett Kelly

So that's what a nandroid looks like unpowered. Thanks, I hate it.


Well at least she didn’t lose her memory


Of course, her expressive, lit-up eyes are just a vital part of her character that, without them, she looks OFF (get it?), haunting even! :^o

Dr. Rodin

Ok so, I know the lil girl here is, well a lil girl, and that the nandroids themselves are a lil smaller than the average adult according to the height chart of Madeline’s parents compared to the bots. But just how heavy are the nandroids?? I’d figure these (tentatively) brand new, top of the line bots would be made of light-weight alloys/plastics that makes manufacturing them a lil cheaper/more affordable to be bought by the THOUSANDS. Not to mention to be light-weight enough to handle children with VERY little risk of harm if the bot trips over a child 🤔

Dr. Rodin

…OHH, I didn’t realize it sooner, Emmy’s eyes! They’re like CRT/tv screens that looks blank and glassy when turned off, because it’s actual glass windows from a tv & they GLOW when turned on such as Emmy’s strangely blue eyes; the eye pupils themselves are animations on a screen to LOOK like eyes. Not too dissimilar to a lot of personal robots nowadays that uses LED/LCD screens for “eyes” (Sony’s Aibo dog bots).


I think they are made of relatively lightweight material making them light by robot standards. But that would make them still close to the weight of a person, even a small one. So they’re a bit heavier than you’d think but not dangerously so.

Dr. Rodin

@Dominic, what do you mean you “think”?? You’re the one that designed them??? But anyways, I don’t know how or what’s the ratio is like with her height compared to her weight. Is her form fairly dense because the material, however lightweight it is, became compacted into her smaller than an average adult form that she FEELS kinda heavy? That’s not to mention the weight of her brain, nervous system, sensors & other vital/advanced systems tightly compacted in such a small form. It reminds me of the feather vs iron thought experiment 🤔


I really like this first panel, it gives the time to "drag" you down into the desolation of the dump. The cheerfulness of the title gets muted into dark colours and grim details, and it comes spontaneously to my mind some soundtrack switching to gloomy as i scroll down. Plus, is it possible for ms. Boyle to have an ancestor in Anne Marie of All Dogs Go to Heaven? (And still one thing: so great the energetic switch on of Emmy! 💚)


Loled at that last panel. So excited they are finally meeting!


Love this so much. I'm really looking forward to where this goes! It is a bit hard to view the second page, though. I have to click on it and then zoom in. Idk if that's just my computer or what.