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Oh no, I don't want Dr Meannie to do anything to her


The good old saying shit happens


She’s in good hands! It says so on the poster

Head Wounds

Stellar work! I think I see a typo in the 4th panel down, perhaps you meant "Marcus, how did (or do) you lose a whole robot?"


For once, Dr. Bennet has a respectable moment. I still don’t trust the guy, but still respectable


Man F### Doctor Bennet. All my homies hate Doctor Bennet


Ah, great stuff. Also I like how Bennet seems fairly reasonable. Just cynical.


I'm really curious what the big machine behind the window in panel 2 is for.


Don't worry, she is out of his reach! She's safe with Jawa-bots at a garbage dump in an abandoned neighborhood far away from everyone she ever loved or cared for. Nothing to worry about!

Alan-Michael White

It's pretty cool that Marcus is deaf by the way.


Out-mode police are on the search.


If I was Marcus, I would passed out by stress.


Just checked, Good catch. Wonder if it'll tie into his past military service.

Dr. Rodin

So they DO have a new nandroid line, from what can be implied with the nursery line that they’re also specialized for taking care of babies, not just children or older kids. 🤔


Or new robots are sent to a “nursery” floor for their training like we saw in the early episodes.

Dr. Rodin

@toadczar OH that makes kinda sense, because new bots are like children that has to be educated by the company 🤔. But I would think the company by now have made new nandroids to take on baby-care to add to their childcare tasks


Yes, the "Nursery" is just the Nandroid School. The guy in the blue suit is Mr Schenk, he must be working there with Ms Bradbury, as he was standing alongside her during Emmy's graduation ceremony.

Dr. Rodin

@Baldarek, OH OK I nearly forgotten him from the early episodes. I remember more of the lady with the glasses teaching the nandroids. Could this guy be another of these teachers like her? There must've been more teachers if they have to educate/train multiple amount of nandroids every day. 🤔


We don't really know much about him, he only has a speaking role once, in this bonus comic: https://www.patreon.com/posts/horse-joke-39932646 I guess he could be another teacher like Bradbury.

Dr. Rodin

@baldarek again, OH. Does this confirm he’s a teacher or some tester who uses a set of questions/lists of tasks to test out the nandroids instead of in a formal teaching setting, like using jokes to test nandroids’ social skills in response to a joke? 🤔


He’s one of the instructors like Ms Bradbury, yes! I imagine their duties have some overlap but they may also cover different specific lessons. Keep in mind that Emmy’s class are just some of thousands of nandroids.

Dr. Rodin

@Dominic I know I’m talking way too much about one character that pretty much existed for like two episodes, but I just love speculating the ongoings of this world youve created with what little breadcrumbs you leave behind. Like what u just said about Emmy’s class being some of THOUSANDS. Are nandroids THAT successful that prolly the middle class or heck a FEW low class families were able to afford bots like Emmy?? What is the price range of nandroids or are there models of them from an affordable base model to the HQ flagship like Emmy’s???


I just realized, does Dr. Marcus have a hearing aid, or is that an earpiece of some kind?