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Whew, this one was a doozy! 



Miy Eterp

Oof 😅 man Emmy gonna have her memories damaged...


At least she wasn’t chopped up into garbage blocks like Boo


oh god it's starting


Helicarriers for garbage? Would like to know the story behind that :P


Yo, I' hyped! Let's go!!! lol


Worthless! I can hear that song playing throughout the chapter. Is anyone else getting Brave Little Toaster vibes?

Dr. Rodin

I’m sorry the f#%&??? They have hovercraft tech????For TRASH DISPOSAL????? Actually it makes sense that the dump would be built where there’s physically no road connecting to them & FAR away from cities to thin out the smell. But holy 🤬🤯🤔

Dr. Rodin

Also, THIS is how Emmy ended up in the dumps from the early concept art. There could’ve been a chance for Emmy to be somehow repaired & returned to her family, but unfortunate circumstances forcibly led her there 😭😭😭


Well... Finally it begins... Stay safe Emmy

Dr. Rodin

Also looking at how the trash disposal system seems to work inside the company, it seems to detect salvageable junk/metal (?) that can somehow be compacted and reused like say to use in the next line of robots. But HUGE junk that seems to have less desirable materials (IDK what a fridge is made of) are deemed unnecessary to salvage and pushed off for the dumps. It might’ve been a way the company saved a lot of money in resources and if they have “defective” robots to…salvage…😰😨😱


Ahh we knew it was coming but it doesn't make it hurt any less 😭

Dr. Rodin

Oof, metal falling on another metal could prolly put a physical dent onto her systems 😬


Sterling's trash processing is quite efficient and quick, innit?


Oh boi


This is so exciting and dreadful at the same time! I wonder how far she is from home.


That reminds me of Machinarium.😜


Oooh her eyes in that second to last panel.... I hope she remembers who she is when she comes to!!

Alan-Michael White

As a janitor I'm really getting a kick out of this rube Goldberg trash compactor


I like how there's both flying ships and water ships in this world. A new act begins for Emmy...


Oh god, I wasn't ready for this... Madeline is going to be inconsolable. Are Nandroid eyes akin to small LED displays? Between the warning signs at the party and now an interference pattern here, can they display any image?

Danny N.

That was kinda an Indiana Jones moment: saved by the fridge. Emmy! You don't belong with the trash. The pain, the separation, and the dumping. I love how the transitions is highlighted by dark and foggy tones. Also, the way the scene pans out and zooms shows how far Emmy is away from home. Her current situation. Poor sweet nandroid QwQ What's going to happen when the family when they find out?!


This is why i have Patreon


Emmy is a real Disney Princess, wave her hair out of style and give some dynamic vibes to the story and you'll have a character for which to fall..


Emmy escaped, but she finds herself in a new, unexpected place. I wonder who she'll meet in her journey; how will she take her new reality, and what she will think of her situation? Emmy, take care and be brave!


I get the feeling that emmy will eventually make it back to the family, but by that point they will have replaced her. Just a theory, but seems plausible.


I'm guessing that Emmy will meet Darcy very soon.




Road trip back home!


And then she seeks for revenge! "Kill Emmy. Vol I" The screenplay!


Well, I’ll say that I’m glad it turned out that her “outmoding” was in fact an accident, and that the Delaires weren’t gonna kick her to the curb the moment she screwed up the party 😂

Jonah Krompart

Oh boy, time for shit to get real!