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I keep feeling like something Sinister is about to happen. But it never does...


Mrs. Delaire being all 1985 over there.


Mrs. Delaire is more considerate than I thought.


seeing this office setup wouldnt be that difference from todays world, other than having Macintosh pro 5 with its 256k color display and 56kbAC High speed dial up modem. the AT&T videophone and the laser printer from HP, lol. would be nice to see a portable telephone, as in the previous episode, the dad talking in the phone while in his car.


I'm glad Mrs Delaire is seeing beyond Emmy's robot shell. I think we know who's the shallow one in this marriage :^/


Haha Mr Delaire isn’t the deepest thinker. He really believes in his company, but he does care for Emmy too of course. I like to think that he grew up with more money than Angela did, and is a little more used to having help around the house.


It feels like Mr Delaire is way more accepting of Emmy than his wife, but at the same time would be quicker to replace Emmy, like one would replace a defective household appliance. While Mrs Delaire is more wary of Emmy and her impact on the family while at the same time more compassionate towards her. I guess it's her that Emmy would have to count on if things go awry.


Thanks for replying and the insight, Dominic! I'm glad it's a bit of his upbringing and that he does value Emmy, too ^_^