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What folly for me to attempt to draw a comic this week that prominently features cars. 

Here we have a first look at Beacon City, the bustling metropolis of which Hawthorne Grove is a suburb. I took a lot from 70s-80s New York as a reference point, but cleaner. Hopefully the comic itself should be done after this weekend. Thank you as always for your patience as I work on these over-ambitious panels haha! 



Alan-Michael White

oop, the H overlaps! Love it all the same, maybe more for it.


With NYC as a reference, does that mean there's an in-universe Seinfeld set in Beacon City?

Danny N.

Loving the world building and just those city vibes. Great family ride coming along nicely x3


Woah! Is that satellite tower thingy hovering? Didn't expect to see that out of these comics. Also, what were your inspirations for the cars?


I love WIP shots, and this one is particularly revelatory! I was hoping we'd get a better look at Beacon City, AND we get a little more insight to the level of tech in this world as a bonus. I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of this particular comic, but do take your time. The polish in your work is always worth the wait.

Jonah Krompart

Amazing, but who has the Aux and what are they listening to?


What type of setting is your comic? Dieselpunk? Atompunk? Teslapunk?