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To be fair, she IS pretty cute in that dress (but then she's ALWAYS cute). Bummer that this seems to be such a recurring thing for Madeline that she's actually recognized a pattern, though.


Madeline in that last panel: WHAT THE EFF, EMMY-BRUH?!


As a kid who’s been to many “grown up parties” as the only kid, it’s the way it often goes 😆

Danny N.

Poor little Madeline. She is a bright child to recognize the pattern. Emmy and Madeline should throw their own party even if it's in Madeline bedroom.


How I understand Maddie.. those are not compromises but real lack of attention toward her feelings. Shes lucky to have Emmy.


Sorry kid part of the deal is you get the inherentence only if your parents get to 1-up their friends to feel superior


This reminds me of the genius kid from Magnolia.


That last panel is perfect! Also, something I've been wondering; what do the robots sound like? Like, do they sound exactly like people? Or do they have a bit of an electronic sound to their voices?


The social commentary from these last updates is extremely subtle. That, or I'm seeing things where there aren't :^o


I think the Nandroids would sound more human than robotic because they’re such high quality. Think like recorded audio from a record almost!


No you may be picking up on things. It may be subtle because I’m not looking to have an overt message or agenda, but I just learn things from people and life!


Ah! I'm glad you're going for the subtle route. I think that just by pointing out certain aspects/attitudes/reactions we can get a lot of info about people and their motivations. Thanks, Dominic ^_^