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I'm a bit of a map geek, so I made a Google maps style map of Emmy's neighborhood! The streets are named after flowers and trees. Hopefully the image quality is good enough to where you can see which family house is where! 

I think of Hawthorn Grove as a walled-in, green oasis in the concrete jungle of Beacon City. It's mostly old money, comparable to areas like the Gold Coast in Queens, Winnetka, IL, Georgetown DC, and even Pacific Heights in San Francisco! 




This looks scarily close to the map of where I live lol


Love these kind of details thanks for an update!


This is super cool to see! I love seeing worldbuilding details like this. And I love that there's a zoo nearby, I'm sure it'd be really cute if we ever saw them take a trip there


Would the trolley routes be running along the green strips south of Park?