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Quickly, I read all the descriptions and without hesitation, I pick Mana Wavelength Iris. Immediately, I feel the trait making changes to my eyes, and I squint a bit because of the pain as they gradually change.

A terrifying pressure weighs on the city, and from under me, I feel Myrra activating something the Matriarch left behind.

The three giant trees inside of Virelia start moving, branches cracking and leaves glowing. Those trees start releasing their leaves that float around the city and often interrupt the incoming attacks.

Of course, the trees are not normal, the Matriarch said she helped create the Living Tree, didn't she?

Myrra also joins me on top of the building, armor on and her face serious, followed by her bodyguard and 12 enforcers clad in black armor.

“That seemed to work better than expected,” she says.

I nod as I observe her improved level over her head as well as the higher levels of lynthari with her.

The pressure of all that immense mana from the First One doesn't stop as he still has a lot of ants that he took with him to attack the city, ants that are lower in numbers than the ones left behind, but of higher level.

And currently, the First One is using all of that shared mana and vitality.

Everyone in the city hears the loud crack, and the crashed trunk of The Living Tree starts moving, floating into the air.

[Reanimated Sunseeker Tree - lvl ??]

A text appears over it as the tree floats higher, a gray trunk with branches without any leaves on them. The tree floats high in the air, a sight feeling much more terrifying knowing how much weight is moved like that.

“So these fuckers really were behind the Tree attacking us,” Myrra hisses through her teeth.

I can only nod as I observe the tree that creates a barrier around itself and even from as far as it is, I can see it start releasing particles that are carried toward the city, crashing against the swirling leaves of the three giant trees.

The Sunseeker Tree, The Living Tree used to be a Calamity at the level of a Champion. It was severely weakened after destroying the Old Capital to the point of getting to three question marks. And now its remains are weakened even further to the point of two question marks. Yet it's still much stronger than the defensive trees left behind by the matriarch.

“Feral one, your weapon?” Myrra asks.

I show her my empty hands and continue to wait.

A gray arrow pierces through the air, and everyone with some sense can feel the disturbing mana it contains. That arrow splashes against the barrier of the Reanimated Living Tree, eating a big hole into it without any problem.

Then, like a falling star, a long javelin pierces through the air. The javelin flies even faster than the gray arrow, white and red lightning trailing it.

The blade of the javelin, made of an Ethercrystal shortsword, burrows deep into the trunk of the Living Tree with a thump that I can hear even here in the city.

It takes just a few seconds for the blade to become filled with mana from the Tree, and then that mana passes through the arcanadium shaft into the Mana sphere core that creates its disrupting everchanging field.

For a few moments, the tree still floats there and fights against the effect, yet soon enough it starts falling down. To get confirmation, I shoot a mana projectile through the hole in the barrier and hit the tree with a weak attack.

The crashed Reanimated Living Tree stays on the ground, its barrier disappearing first and soon its particles as well.

Its trunk starts to crack, some of the branches even break, and thousands of giant green leaves attack it as well, covering it and corroding it. After a few minutes, finally, the notification sounds.

[You have defeated Reanimated Sunseeker Tree - lvl 283]

[Lvl 202 > Lvl 203]

Even though I didn't do much, I get a level up, either because my creation of the javelin was considered an aid, or I was just so close to 203 that even a little bit of experience was enough. Well, I hope Tess and Lily did get quite a few levels from it.

I turn to Myrra, "Do you think I wouldn't expect those assholes to try to pull something like this?"

Interrupting my words silence fills the city, as if someone absorbed all the sounds. It's deafening and ever-present. All fires burning, sounds of the fights, sound of wind, all the voices. Everything is gone.

An absolute quiet ensures.

Then a single sound permeates all.


As if someone is tearing apart the space itself, a terrifying force washes over the city.

For a long moment, nothing changes, and then everything over a certain height starts falling, smoothly cut. The three giant trees, most of the tall towers, the barriers, all of it cut smoothly and crashing down towards the city on the people and lynthari.

Sounds once again fill the city; after deafening silence, they sound much louder.

Then I realize that the attack didn't contain mana, none at all.

I look towards where it came from, and a single ant is floating in the air. An ant that isn't even that big. A black matte carapace that seems to absorb all the light. Huge mandibles that are now closed after generating the attack. Wings made of mana keeping the ant afloat.

Even without focusing too much, I can feel the connection the ant has to all the ants inside and outside of the city. Thousands, tens of thousands of threads leading toward him, making him into a bonfire surrounded by specks of light trying to compete against it.

The First One.

For a moment, I feel as if our eyes meet and the ant disappears, a bombarding attack on the city continuing, now more dangerous because of missing protection from the cut trees and barriers generated from the towers.

(Javelin,) I say through the [Connection] the twins created.

I watch as the javelin Tess used to attack the tree pulls itself from it and flies back to where I think the blonde is. Then I let the twins get my location and, piercing through the buildings in its way, the javelin flies towards me, and I grab it after absorbing its kinetic energy. I observe it for a while, and it still seems to be fine, and the inscriptions are working as well.

(We already got one ant alive and the next time the First One attacks, we and Sophie will mess with his [Hive Mind], as planned,) Dennis sends to me.

(He will expect that,) I remind them.

(Of course, he will,) this time it's Sophie talking, (But it doesn't matter, I'm ready for it. That piece of shit will pay, I will make sure of it.)

(Fuck Sophie, you are so cool right now, I might fall for you,) Aaron also sends.

(Don't, just help me,) she sends.

(Of course, as planned. We also owe him big time,) Aaron continues.

(Yes, we owe him a lot,) Dennis adds, and his voice sounds more serious than usual.

(Nat, I still didn't use your cut-off arms, so my next attack will be even stronger!) Lily also joins the conversation.

(Save some for healing, I plan to go all out for a while,) I remind her.

“We are ready,” I say to the lynthari surrounding me.

With a nod as acknowledgment, they start getting ready as well, skills circulating in and out of their bodies, armors, energies, and some connection they have among themselves. Tails straightened up in a threatening position, pupils glowing, eyes wide open, hands squeezing weapons.

And I wait for my trait to get fully imbued into my eyes.

The next attack is a golden flame, much bigger than I'm capable of creating. Funneled by the First One, powered by thousands of ants. The leader of the Colony is attacking from far behind the walls of the city and out of range of Sophie and the twins.

It's not a problem for him. The flames sweep into the city like a wave, momentarily crashing against the walls and barriers that the Lynthari and humans have erected.

Myrra and the enforcers wait with me, even now not helping and relying on other warriors of the city who continue to activate barriers and inscriptions fed by thousands of mana stones, gradually becoming more and more depleted.

“He doesn’t seem to want to get into the city,” Myrra says through her teeth, her posture more threatening than I ever saw her.

(I can mess with [Hive Mind] to try to get him into the city,) Sophie sends.

(Don't,) I warn her, (Stay hidden, the moment you do something he will send all the ants against you,) I look around the city that already seems to be 20% destroyed, not even that long after the start.

While talking, I continue to examine my trait. Unlike Mana Circuits I got before, this one seems to be closer to being active rather than passive. I already get a grasp of how to activate it, and I even think it's something I can have activated nearly permanently, yet not at my level.

If there were trait rarities, I'm sure this one would rate quite high, just from observing the changes it does to my eyes.

(Here he goes!) Tess shouts through the connection.

In the same way he appeared before, he appears again, all sounds disappearing from the city and then a single snap sounding, an attack destroying dozens of buildings and barriers, cutting in a straight line.

This time the First One doesn't disappear. Even before Sophie uses her [Manipulation], I feel a gaze on me, and this time I'm sure I meet the compound eyes of the leader of the Colony.

A clear challenge.

[Hive Confluence Sentinel - lvl ??]

Then a disgustingly huge amount of blue mana starts to radiate from the ant. Every time I think it's enough, more and more of it flows from him, feeling never-ending.

(I can't do anything! There is too much mana there!) I hear through the connection.

All of that mana surrounds the ant that is floating in the air, moving, changing, shaping, and forming something similar to what I did with my [Regalia]. That mana creates the shape of a giant ant with the First One burrowed somewhere in the middle.

This doesn't feel like the most efficient attack possible, no, this feels more like it's intended as a message. A show of power, as the ant surely knows what I used down in the tunnels. This is a challenge. Loud and clear.

The giant ant takes a step, its leg destroying a massive building that it dwarfs easily. The attacks that crash against the ant amount to nothing at all, not even sending ripples through the mana construct that continues to move towards me, like an unstoppable force.

“Heh,” a giggle easily comes out of me.

Myrra shouts something, and I nod, not even listening, and she and her enforcers all disappear to attack the First One.

I feel a smile crawl onto my lips as the giant thing continues to move towards me, and even shoots dozens of projectiles. The projectiles— javelins made of blue mana—crash against the building I'm standing on, even though they are unable to damage the gray stone.

The javelins that hit my body I disrupt and continue to watch.

Heat starts collecting at what is the center of the giant mana ant, and from the mouth of the First One, a golden flame soars at me, a flame that is as thick as my arm and looks more like a laser.

The flame splits apart as it reaches me as I just manipulate the heat that reaches me and redirect it instead of wasting mana to control it.

Then the First One tries to compress mana in a similar way I do with my [Focus]. A ball of mana floats in front of the ant, the orb as tall as me, immediately compressing and turning blue, purple, and light blue. The First One tries to compress it even more, he tries to focus it into a smaller point.

And he fails.

Unable to replicate what I can do he gives up and instead of the orb turning black, it starts glowing white, about to explode.

The enforcers and Myrra start attacking the giant figure and tear the attack apart, making it explode and finally dealing some damage to the ant.

And the entire time, I just watch. With a big smile on my lips.

“You little shit,” I say out loud.

I hold the javelin in my hand high into the air, the blade pointing towards the sky.

Over the tip of the blade, a small orb of mana materializes, barely as big as a golf ball. Mana flows from me into that ball, filling it, turning it blue with streaks of purple and light blue to the point where the orb starts shining white and is about to explode. Then, I push further and use my [Focus].

I do something the monster in front of me wasn't capable of doing.

Warm healing mana flows from the crown on my head into me, supporting me and fighting against the strain as I compress all that mana. The orb turns pitch black with tiny dots shining inside of it like stars in the sky.

Then, I poke the orb with the tip of the blade of the javelin I hold, and it starts absorbing the black mana. The blade, which used to be an Ethercrystal Shortsword, absorbs all the mana of the orb, and starts cracking. Even the upper epic weapon is unable to handle it.

I fight against the pull on my mana, and my heart beats three times, powered by the entirety of my mana, generating a huge amount of kinetic energy.

I change the setting and use all of my mana to strengthen my body, grab the javelin, and my right leg slides backward as I get into the stance. While my muscles scream, I throw the javelin and the moment it leaves my hand, I boost it with the kinetic energy I collected as well as leaving an anchor on the handle.

Before I even blink, the javelin reaches the ant and stabs the massive mana construct. The massive amount of mana surrounding the ant, a result of thousands of colony members powering it, vanishes in an instant. The blade of the javelin absorbs all the mana completely, cracking even further.

I activate the anchor and reappear next to the javelin, which I grab and float in the air, facing the matte black ant in front of me.


Next Chapter 



I'm kinda surprised Nat still didn't learn to communicate telepathically on his own tbh. It shouldn't be that hard, something like sending small wisp of mana with the intent to communicate something, piece of cake with current mastery of mana Nat have if you ask me.


Wow yeah I was wrong, I for sure thought it'd be the Mana Heart. Wonder when the last one will be.. 250? 300?