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Hey, for a long time, I have not been fully satisfied with the current name of the story and I would like to change it.

If you have any good ideas, please share them with me. If I end up using your suggestion, I'll PayPal you 50 bucks, buy you a game on Steam, or something similar. However, if you ask for a game on Epic, I'll refuse, even if your suggestion turns out to be the best name in the world, lol.

The ideal name should fit the story, pique the curiosity of potential readers, and be unique, so that it's not already in use on Royal Road or associated with a different story.

I will check all the comments and if I like any name, I'll send you a message. So please do not message me, just leave a comment. I dislike dealing with situations where I have to tell people that I might not like something they came up with. I'm weak!

As for you ChatGPT masters, please don't flood me with numerous suggestions. Try to limit it to 10 names at most, with no more than 3 of them being about Biscuit (maybe 4).

Thank you!

Oh, one more thing, just so you know, I'm gonna post this on RR too. If I end up picking a name that more than one of you suggested, I'll check who said it first.



I am not a serial player killer


"How to Build Humans of Mass Destruction in 10 Easy Steps" replace "10" with however many floors or phases there are to the tutorial. Also, can replace "Humans" with "Weapons" or "Biscuits". I liked the WMD implication that that is what people are after the tutorial, and that was a big reason I picked up the series.


How about Disastrous Incarnations?


Hell Driven/Mana Driven/Driven, for shits and giggles Mr.Strangemana or how i learned to stop worrying about mana (imbalances) and love mana.

Tom Hammer

The Path Of Mana | Fight To Thrive | The Road Less Travelled | Playing With Mana (alluding to the idiom playing with fire)


Corgis & Overwhelming Mana. Learning Skills from a Corgi. Mana, Monsters, & a Biscuit. The Fifth Generation: Survivors in a Mana World. Focus: Mana Above All Else. King of Mana. Magic & Survival: Conquering Adversity with only Mana. Annihilation: Mana Bombs & More Weapons. The New World: Magic Instead of Guns or Bombs. A Dogs, a Killer, and Magic.


Hell Tutorial Without a Handbasket


MANA adicction


Abducted to Hell - At Least there's a Corgi Only way to survive is more Mana Trained in Hell and the Corgi is still stronger Whatever you choose I'd still advise you add [Psychopath, LitRPG, Mage] tags at the end. Those tend to do better at the beginning to grab unfamiliar people on RR.