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Hey guys! I wanted to mention that "Hell Difficulty Tutorial" will be stubbing Book 1 and will be published on Amazon on May 14th.

Book 1 will be taken down (Chapters 1-101) at the end of April.

I want to address the most important things in case there are some of you who don´t have experience with stubbed stories.

Does stubbing mean you will stop posting on Patreon?
Nope, I will continue to post on Patreon with the same schedule (5 chapters per week), as well as on RoyalRoad and Scribblehub, and I plan to do so until the end of the story. I only stub chapters that go into books once every three months, two weeks before the book is released on Amazon - that's the release schedule I've agreed upon with my publisher.
I want to keep 2 entire books on RR for at all times and non stubbed chapters will stay on Patreon as well.
With chapter 295, Book 3 should end or will be ending soon, so even as Book 1 is removed, there will still be 2 complete books left to read on RR and even more on Patreon.

Why do you need to remove chapters 1-101?
The chapters need to be removed due to Amazon's Kindle Unlimited (KU) exclusivity thingy. I will remove these chapters around May 1st, and then around May 14th, the book will be available on Amazon. The chapters will also be removed from Patreon.
I dislike removing them since I would prefer to keep them here, but it is what it is. Amazon's exclusivity clause sucks.
Chapters 1-101 will make Book 1. It has been professionally edited, with some minor changes made by me. Despite the chapters lacking at places I still love them and I chose not to rewrite them too much to preserve their original "magic."

Why did you decide to do this?
I hope it will allow me to quit my day job. I've been working full-time while writing, editing, and publishing 5 chapters per week without any breaks for over a year. I hope to transition to writing full-time, what would allow me to write more.
I also have plenty of ideas for another story, but "Hell Difficulty Tutorial" is my absolute priority, and I won't start another story unless I'm 100% sure it won't interfere with HDT. Going full time could allow me to do that on the side.

So, who is affected by stubbing?
It will affect readers who will discover the story after I've stubbed it. They'll need to read it on Amazon (if they wish) before returning to RR or Patreon to continue reading.
This also affects readers who want to re-read Book 1 chapters.
According to the contract, I have to remove my story from everywhere I'm posting it and cannot distribute it further after it is published on Amazon. So you can reread Book 1 chapters before I stub them or check them out on Amazon later.

Or you can send me a message, and we will work something out. (*wink wink*)

Will there be an audiobook?
Yup, I picked a narrator that I think fits Nathaniel really well. I haven’t heard it yet, but the audiobook should be available by May 14th as well.

Now, for my ramble. A really short one.

I want to thank to everyone who subscribed to my Patreon, regardless of the tier and duration. Having people willing to pay for something I wrote is extremely validating and helps me overcome the imposter feelings I experience from time to time. Your support has helped my story grow a lot.

Over a year has passed since I started posting on RR, and what a journey it has been. I remember being happy about reaching a thousand followers, and now there are over 14 thousand ppl following HDT. And so many patrons too. Many of you found me through the silly ads I made, which I still find funny for some reason.

Sometimes I take the number of followers and views on the chapters into a different perspective, and it's quite scary. The city I live in is around that size as well. So, what the heck, actually.

Anyway, I'm excited for Book 1. I expect the worst so I won’t feel disappointed, but secretly I hope it will do great. 

If you have any questions, throw them at me in the comments.

Once again thank you, have a nice weekend, and see you next week!

P.S.: Just in case, every tier can see this post, so no spoilers, thanks!



Congrats dude! Hope going on Amazon is a huge success for you! And HDT? Back in my day, we called it WMD!

Kevin McGuire

So the first two floors are going to be book one? Here's hoping it does great!


yup, it will end up a few chapters into 3rd floor. and thanks!