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Hello Patrons,

It's Wednesday my dudes. Thanks for your patience regarding the September update, we wanted to release it with the text version of Episode 6 - Act 1 which is available here:
https://www.patreon.com/posts/85057446 (download link at the top of post)

Now let's move onward to the monthly update for September!



As noted earlier, Episode 6 - Act 1 is fully completed in terms of the text and the team has moved on to Act 3 (the jump over Act 2 is explained in the previous month post). The team has already made very solid progression which more than half the scenes having their drafts completed and the remaining ones almost done!

Based on assignments, we have also started on the scenes in Act 4 so things are coming along quite smoothly and at a very decent pace. Speaking of Act 4, you will notice that the scenes were rearranged and even a scene added as we wanted to make the climax feel more impactful. The original storyboard felt a little bit like it fizzled especially for the conclusion to MC's arc so we found a way to make it more exciting! Please look forward to it. :D


Sunimu is back!!!!!!!! His first CG (WIP) can be seen here:



Background is still quiet at the moment as we are focused on episode 6 which currently has all its BG's good to go. We will have more on this as we transition into episode 7.


Animation has just been some bug fixes mainly with the UI, small things like mouse hovering / click states...etc which were acting a bit unintuitive. We'll continue to polish these UI elements to make the experience feel as nice as possible!


The narrative developer just finished up the text version of Episode 6 - Act 1. He is currently working towards having the art version completed in the upcoming weeks by which time we predict Act 3 will be ready from a writing perspective. In other words, the narrative developer will be a very busy bee for the next little while!


With some of the changes in the writing, we are looking at adding a track or two in order to give the climax a bit more of an oomph! Beyond that, we are working with Eric on SFX and ambience to start making the game feel more 'lived in'. For those wondering about voice over, that stuff will become the focus in the near future. ;^)

That's the September update! As always, please feel free to share your thoughts below.

Thank you for your continued support. <3



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