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Hello Patrons,

It's June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are half-way through the year already, time is flying. :O

Coming in hot for this post is Batch 2 of the NPC portraits. Please note that there may potentially be spoilers so proceed with caution!

Hooded Vigilante

It's the 'Robin Hood' character from the second mission! When designing the character, we wanted to make him have an outfit that looked cool / had a vigilante vibe while still fitting the aesthetics of the world. He ended up with a bit of a cyberpunk style which worked out for the intended effect!

Politician Man

It is the politician from the same event. We wanted to give him a stereotypical politician look but with just a hint of someone who would be up to some shady activities. Ironically, making him basically look like a politician accomplished that. LOL


It is the dominatrix from the slave planet!!!! This hot momma got that full leather thing going on. I don't think it requires much imagination to see the inspiration for her look. ;^)


For Xenok, we wanted to have a douchey, cocky, scruffy, and pirate-inspired look for him. I think the combination of his expression and hairstyle help pull that off while his armor gave him a battle-hardened look!

Pop Idol

Pop idol has two states for her look, one is when you first meet her and the second is after she has freshened up. We wanted to give her a youthful vibe but also make it look obvious that she is a seasoned idol. I think we found a good balance!

Rich Hipster

The rich hipster is the main person for the mission in episode 5! He is the one that is hosting the ballroom and has your team join as part of their security detail. We wanted to give him a look that he goes to fancy coffee shops, probably owns a Mac, and does yoga. :P

And that would be Batch 2 of NPC portraits! Batch 3 will be dropping next week which will have the remaining characters to showcase.

As always, please feel free to share your thoughts below! Thank you for your continued support. <3




For some weird reason I feel obliged to point out that neither Dominatrix nor Xenok match their ingame descriptions. Like, at all ;-)

Lucas Slavik

no homo - but why is Hooded Vigilante more sexy as Pop Idol and Dominatrix?! o___O