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  • Amelia - Version 1.mp4
  • Amelia - Version 2.mp4



Hi Patrons,

Mega-February post incoming~!

First things first, the Patreon alpha of Crystalline will be available sometime this week (Feb 19th at the latest) so long as we get the next couple of pieces in time! We'll have more details when it is ready for you.

Second, we'll be hosting a DEV stream on February 18 @ 12:00PM EST:


It'll be a pretty informal stream where we'll chat around with Crystalline E1 as well as what's in the pipelines to expect for the future.

With the updates out of the way, you can check out some of the concept artwork, new music, and other things we have stirring.

One thing I wanted to bring up was ambience which helps sets the mood, but we are going one step further to make it scene and timing specific (to really help capture the environment of the world you are in). You can hear the subtle differences in the village ambience attached.

Along with this, we also wanted to show you that we've been making tweaks and adjustments to Live2D actively as well. Attached are two version of Live2d, one which we had about a month ago and the newly polished one (note the physics and eye movement).

That's all for now! Hope to see you all at the stream this weekend. :-)

Best Regards,

- Dishu



Gautam Behal

Hey, long time no see! (mostly because I've been busy). I felt like I was getting a slightly creepy vibe when I was watching the Live2d videos. On further inspection, I realized it was because both characters' heads were swaying in time with each other in the same direction.

DG Servers

I feel like the hair is a little...Too wavy...K not a little like a lot...

DG Servers

Also My birthdays on the 18th xD


Nice animation of waving heads. Found myself waiving too while watching video ^^ I do wait for the alpha version.


The hair motion sensitivity is too high considering how slight Amelia's head movement is during the scene. That aside, it looks and sounds great.


Hey, which Live2D video are you guys watching? The old one had more movement then the revised one so just want to make sure we are talking about the updated one.


After seeing your comment, I carefully viewed both again. I noticed that changes are good it's just I wasn't specific on the motion type (my bad). At 0:28 -0:29 type is really the only type that you may want to edit although I can see that a 2d version of hair being almost all static makes it hard to make it accurate, even more so being twintails whereas with 3d, pretty much the skies the limit in comparison. Also the head movement is synchronized which seems kind of odd. All in all it's not crucial to adjust motion in on that one but it would help since I'm guessing it's not a one off type and each time it would become more noticeable to the player. Btw eyes seem perfect.

Bauster (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 03:33:15 Ty for the informativ post. (plus now i got fapping material >:)
2017-02-16 01:17:13 Ty for the informativ post. (plus now i got fapping material >:)

Ty for the informativ post. (plus now i got fapping material >:)


Thanks for the feedback. Once Patreon alpha is out I'm hoping we can get a good amount of player feedback to help make the tweaks and upgrades that will help with polish!

DG Servers

Don't say anything just smile and nod and make more waifus O_O


I wonder how Kaori would react to you having another waifu, Sean. Q_Q

DG Servers

Where is the patreon alpha?


Hey, it got delayed by a couple days, one of the main assets for the GUI got submitted late. :( Please expect on Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest

DG Servers

How do I become a pixelfader o.o?...I only saw the glimpse clip on twitch.