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Hello Patrons,

It is Wednesday my dudes.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far! It's time for the monthly update and we got some phat news and things to share so let's get started. :^)



Writing is coming along quite well! We made some adjustments to the MC / Celeste arc to flow better and also discussed some spicy content for the ballroom scenes. Additionally, we actually had a new writer join last month but I didn't want to announce it unless they delivered a couple solid scenes. I'm happy to report she has done a fantastic job with an Iris and Vaela event so far!!! She is our most promising writer since Lexi (wrote Crystalline and KAS) and we look forward to collaborating with her for the rest of Astral Ascension.


Sunimu has been an absolute beast to get all the epilogue CG WIP completed! Due to spoilers, you can check it out in the link here along with the scene details:

He'll continue to work through the epilogue CGs for the next little bit as they finalize and then move on to NPC portraits.


BGs are coming along at a steady pace! We have the full commission list for episode 5 created so our artist is just working through those for this month and the next.


Big news on the animation department! Like I mentioned in the last update, the new narrative developer has a strong background in Naninovel + visual novels in general so he's been putting in some nifty effects. You may have  seen what he did for episode 4 so he is now going through episode 1 through 3 and retroactively adding in some cool stuff there as well! So far, episode 1 is revamped and he's actively on episode 2 now. I've attached "Animations Previews" to this Patreon post so you can take a look at the effects! They are marked by spoiler so feel free to take a look at the ones you want to.


Nothing major to report, we got some quality of life suggestions that the programmer is working through for this month along with some general UI cleanup.


Eric has the OP ready to go and we found our vocalist!!!!!! The amazing Lizz Robinett will be singing the song, we worked with her previously on the KAS opening which you can revisit here:

I'll be honest, I was surprised by the results of the OP language poll. I thought that "both" or "hybrid" would be the winner however English won by a huge margin. Needless to say the track will be done in English and I'll share it as soon as it's ready to go!

That's the November update! As always, please feel free to share your thoughts below. Thank you for your continued support. <3


Dishu + PF Team


soul 2431

I cant waittt