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Hey all,

Just thought I'd post what will most likely be the last update for ACE before release! As you know, alpha is underway and we've received tons of feedback/bug reports that we've been working through.

All the major ones are fixed and patched already in the steam (our favourite one being Kaori treating you as a platonic friend when you did the romantic path Q_Q) and the lesser ones are corrected (grammar...etc) which will be part of a bigger update later.

All that being said, I pushed for a July 7th or earlier release for alpha because I actually had a surgery on that date. It went well and I'm in recovery mode currently high as a Shou on pain meds. That means it'll probably be a little quiet for the next week or so.

This won't effect release timelines though as the VA scripts were sent out and we are waiting for line submissions (due July 17th) anyway. I timed this all accordingly since I wanted to make sure you guys get a prompt release without my personal situation causing slowdowns.

Voice release with Mayu content will be out by late July / early August (depending if lines are provided on time) and the final release in mid / late August after polish.

The new combat system seems to have resonated well with everyone so we are going to be scrapping the existing system and updating previous battles to be more like the new one. This will be implemented voice release update.

Thank you guys for your continued support! Have a great weekend.

Best Regards,




Congratz on the operation! And thanks for your hardwork as always~

Callum Horton

Thanks for working so hard on this guys! We love you for it! And good luck with the operation Dishu!


wait what? new combat system? I really should take advantage of the alpharelease...


but yeah! Take care and stuff! have a good one as well

Austin McCoy

Dishu should do a dev stream while he's high on meds. I bet it'd be pretty entertaining and he'd certainly regret it later. :P


bruh, I'm dying in bed right now. If don't make it, please spread the word that canon girl for ACE is

Austin McCoy

Wow. Those meds must have really taken a toll. How could you not end that with an 'n' to hint at nikki?! I am disappoint.


I thought I knew what pain was. Then I ran outa pain meds. Send halp pls X_X

Austin McCoy

I'll send help as soon as I get a response from Shou. HAHAHAhaaa....aww.... :(