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Hello Patrons,

Hope everyone is doing well so far!! Today, I wanted to share a PixelFade future project that we've been bouncing around.

Our team is of course hard at work with Astral Ascension and we have more stories to tell, so a secondary project idea that we've been thinking about doing is with mangas! While our core focus is of course on Visual Novels, a secondary manga project might be fun to do and of course it is more content for you guys. :)

We have a couple ideas in mind which we'll discuss below, but here is a general preview!:

The above is an example of Manga Scenes. What we would do is have Patreon votes on what scene (from any game) that you want to see in a manga rendition and that would be created!

The other choice is a Manga Gaidens. This is where we'd make new scenes that are like little side-stories to existing games. It is stuff that wasn't in our official visual novel but just a little extra bit of something.

The last is a full blown Manga Series. This would be a new story, new characters and new everything that will be its own on-going Manga series. This would run parallel with our Visual Novels in terms of content development!

I'm looking forward to see what you guys think so far!

Thanks again for your support, please feel free to vote up to two below to voice your preference!

- Dishu


The Gentleman

Good. I could select all, but the “I don’t like manga.” I’m looking forward to the rest of this manga piece! Where would these be posted? Just Patreon or would you consider some online site?




Dishu got me thinking we were getting Crystalline after story 😭


I would definitely support manga shorts as a bonus to your existing ideas and series. Maybe using manga as a way to publish After Story expansions instead of a small VN like KAS, for example. But I probably have little interest in brand new full length projects being manga exclusive, the entire reason I like VNs is that they are more interactive and immersive than any other form of reading so I guess taking away the interactivity and the audio would be a downgrade to my experience. Which is no problem for small stuff but for large scale projects I don't know if I would buy in. That being said if it is running parallel to your VNs and it will lead to more success for you then who am I to argue really. That's just my honest perspective.


Very helpful points, thanks for noting them! I am hoping it would be parallel teams so that we don't have to 'sacrifice' VN development time to make the manga. If it came down to a gotta pick one, for sure it would be VN.


I'm fine with all suggestions, but I would lean more towards gaidens myself, as they could provide extra depth and development for characters/plot points that perhaps could've used the extra exposition, for an example from ace would be showing Yuuna's brother story visually, and from crystalline either either kara or zacks backstory.

Daniel Numbra

I like the idea of using Manga to provide some back story or expanded adventures along side our VN's so gaidens. The visual novels from PixelFade are the life givers to my days! Love the interactions! I would not want Mangas to be the after stories: I want to one day have the perfect ungloomed fireworks date with Leanna and small but mighty after stories with the other popular girls. Maybe it's all of them!


Gaidens. Not too short, not too long. That'd be just right for extra content, and has the highest potential to show what we wanna see imo.

Lucas Slavik (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-16 23:17:15 Need Pixelfade Hentai why not this as option available? I KNOW Dishu want this toooo >.<
2021-12-11 20:11:25 Need Pixelfade Hentai why not this as option available? I KNOW Dishu want this toooo >.<

Need Pixelfade Hentai why not this as option available? I KNOW Dishu want this toooo >.<

Peeruhn Jet Vith

I just want to know what the protagonist's name officially going to be in the manga.