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Hello Patrons,

Here comes post number!! We have been experimenting with BG aesthetics and have come up with two designs for stylization. The first one has a more anime-esque feel that is more akin to our PixelFade signature in the past, the second one is a more 'cyberpunk' neon lights vibe that is experimental. Please take a look below and vote your preferred aesthetic!

The background is the ship lounge area:



Please feel free to vote for your preferred style and as always, share any feedback you have below. Thank you for your continued support!! :^)

- Dishu


Grey Stratos

Hopefully PF reuses the one that doesn't win. It would be cool to see both in the game.


I’m partial to B; something about it feels more otherworldly despite the lack of space windows. I also feel the focus on the screen is interesting whereas A feels like its attention is scattered everywhere.

Matthew Cross

I would say A personally but B is by no means bad maybe they could be two different areas of the ship


i like both. i think depending on if you go somewhere nicer or seedier, both of them could be used.

Kuronan Estimare

The use of darker colors leads me to enjoy B more even if A would seem more Sci-Fi. Any chance it could be a programmable choice in the game though?


I like both styles. Windows from A show that you are in space through windows, B has a great color scheme to convey the same sci-fi aspect w/o windows.


They give a very different vibe. The first one is clearly a nice one for a tourist spaceship/station, with large windows offering a beautiful view on the void. The second one would be a great lounge in the crew's resting room on a military ship without windows, because those are a useless structural weak point. Legion and his geth relatives would agree. So, it depends on purpose. Now, solely for aesthetics, the first one has my vote, because if I were to cruise through space, I'd rather do it in a tourist spaceship than in a military one.

Caleb Schmotzer

Personally I chose A because of the use of more colors. I find it more appalling. B does look very nice though

Tansetsu Fuyuka - 鍛雪冬花

These don't really seem like they're portraying the same situation or space. The first is this high CRI active space meant to be cozy and meant for general leisure. It has a variety of mid-high temperature colors. The only downside are the windows, which if actually built like that and exposed to space would shatter. It's also a really big room based on the shape of the ceiling, and since space on ships is at a premium, it definitely wouldn't be the first choice of any engineer. The second looks like an improvised home theater that's currently getting ready to show something. The very high temperature monochrome palette with this much contrast is very overbearing to the eyes. Though with that said, walls and floor look sturdier, and the room as a whole looks smaller, which is more fitting given the size of the ship, and what it was originally designed for

Kyle Colley

I feel like I've watched Firefly a few too many times. Cause that is what I had in mind for the ship interior 😅