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Hello Patrons,

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!! Just here to provide a general project update regarding Astra as well as a bunch of musical content for the OST as Mr. Eric has been working like a madlad!!

For the general update, chapter 1 script was completed last week and we are in the process of making the read-only version to share with you guys. It is going to take a little bit longer than normal since we are learning the new engine within Unity (Naninovel) and this is our first time actually doing hands on keyboard work with it.

If I had to make an estimate, I would say the read only version will most definitely be available in January, either later next week or the last week of the month. As for the rest of the game, as we mentioned before the arching story is drafted, we just wrapped up chapter 1 script and are about 80% done chapter 2 planning (then it is off to scripting for that).

The development should ramp up significantly faster then our previous projects since before we would focus on each episode so the came out at a more linear speed versus Astra was all pre-planned so there was a lot of front loaded work (which is now done), and it is just a matter of going through the script writing.

Also I believe I mentioned this on the Discord however it would be good to reiterate it here. Astra is being developed without episodes in mind and we are more focused on the story. Our metric to not accidently make it too long or two short is word count rather than trying to force the game into episode numbers.

Astra's current project has the word count about 25%-35% longer than our previous projects which were all around 250,000 words however since the game has MUCH more branching paths and options, it will either feel just about the same length (on one playthrough) or possibly just a tad shorter depending on routes you take. What I mean by this is some routes will conclude a mission super quick while others take longer and/or branch into a mini-side plot.

Hopefully that provides a better insight as to where we are with the project so far and what the current future looks like!

As for the music content, this is the finished version of the Playful BGM track! I've also attached the variant A (less intensity) and a crossfade example. This is definitely my favourite Astra track so far!!

There will be a couple posts sharing some more music and artwork, stay tuned! As always, please feel free to share your thought below. Happy listening. ;^)

- Dishu



That's awesome! Keep up the hard work!

Eclipse Productions

Awesome work like always :D. And you said it'll be available January, either later next week or the last week of the month? Welp. I know what I'm going to be doing for my birthday :D :D :D. ...Provided I'm not working of course, in which case it'll be stuck to only a few hours of it.

Spam Goose

Where is Oliver

Benjamin Koomen

Wow, so many posts today! Thanks for the update.