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Spoiler Level: Minor (character background information is general, you will uncover this content within the first 30 mins – 1 hour of playing)

Hello Patrons,

Hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend! Today, we have a post regarding character backgrounds. If you haven’t had a chance, please check out the universe lore post (https://www.patreon.com/posts/astra-universe-43800286) as this post will refer to content from it. This is also specific to character backstories as their personalities haven’t changed since the initial design which you can check out here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/astra-meet-crew-41463242!


The Hero is a 24 year old from Polaris. He was an agent for IAP (Investigations Agency of Polaris) which is similar to the FBI; they handle internal investigations within the star systems of Polaris. Recently, there was evidence pointing to the fact that he was stealing from crime scenes/evidence lock up and even had his fingerprints in other corrupt activities. The part that was extra perplexing is that he was involved in cases that he never worked on. There wasn’t enough clear cut evidence to convict him as a felon, however for department optics, they had to let him go. MC wants to clear his name which is one of the main plots of the game.

To add to the complications, MC has a younger sister who has a fatally weak immune system. She requires a specialized environment and treatment which is extremely expensive but was covered when MC was part of IAP. After getting fired, he can’t afford the care so he has to find a high paying job to take care of her while he tries to clear his name. Because of where and how he got fired, he can’t find a job that pays enough. The only means of a high paying job is to use his piloting and combat skillset to do mercenary work.


Iris is a 22 year old from Polaris. She was in the Polaris officer program for their military/star fleet. For unknown reasons, she decided to leave. Aetos (the ship of the game) belongs to Iris though it is unclear to MC how she got it. Iris’s character arc will involve finding out why she left the officer program, how she acquired the ship, and an addition plotline that will reveal itself later on in the game.


Luna is a 21 year old from The Union. Not much is known about her past and even if you ask other crewmates, they don’t know much either. All that is known is that she is quite the skilled doctor. On that same token, she doesn’t get involved in combat related missions which the crew chalks off to the doctors oath of not doing harm. Luna’s character arc will involve learning more about how and why she became a doctor, as well as her past in The Union.


Vaela is a 19 year old from a Freeworld called Corvus. Corvus is an extremely rich world (not star system) that is surrounded by Polaris space on one side and Union space on the other. Both factions really want Corvus to join them due to their technological advancements, natural resources, innovative/educated population amongst other positive qualities. Even amongst Corvians, Vaela is a prodigy getting her masters in engineering while only being 19. She decided to leave what anyone would consider a dream job on a dream planet to be a mercenary. Vaela’s arc will explore why she left Corvus, and an additional plotline that will reveal itself later on in the game.

Kai Zephyr

Kai is a 27 year old from a Freeworld (which he hasn’t revealed which one) though it is fairly obvious it is a lawless one. While he is quite the extrovert, Kai doesn’t talk much about his past beyond the fact that a “fate worse than death” awaits him if it ever catches up to him. Kai’s character arc involves finding out what this “fate worse than death” past is.

As for the crew, it is clear that Iris and Kai have known each other the longest and have a unique relationship. By unique relationship, I mean Kai has stopped trying to troll Iris since he can’t get a rise out of her, mainly from Iris being immune to his shenanigans. Vaela and Luna joined the crew later with Luna being the newest member before you joined. The group treats Vaela like a younger sister and even Kai, who basically flirts with any girl, behaves like a protective older brother when it comes to Vaela. Luna is quite playful and affectionate when it comes to the crew, and everyone appreciates her warmth. MC’s dynamic with the group will vary depending on his personality!

That’s a high-level review of the character backgrounds! I hope this inside scoop gives a better idea of your crew as well as some of the things to look forward to in your MC’s storyline. As always, please feel free to share your thoughts below. Thank you for your continued support!

- Dishu



I swear I’m already caring for the little sister even though I know nothing else about her

Kyle Colley

Am I the only one interested in Iris because she's in charge? Because I'm pretty sure that says a bit too much about me.


Dishu you forgot to mention that vaela is the prettiest girl on corvus

Benjamin Koomen

Excellent! Been looking forward to this post.