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Hello Patrons,

Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to the weekend! I just wanted to make a post since it's been about 2 weeks since our last one. Things have been fairly busy this month and it is just a coincidence a lot of things are going to be finished and ready for sharing next week!

These are the posts you can look forward to:

1) World Lore - This post will specifically talk about the lore of the universe. What factions there are, how is space inhabited, how advanced is the technology, what roles mercenaries play...etc.

2) Plot & Characters - We'll be doing a dive into what the plot of the game is. This will be the first look at MC's backstory, his goals/motives, and how he came to join the crew. We'll also discuss how character arcs will be handled in addition to mission arcs. Given there will be a conversation about character arcs, you'll get to learn a bit more about the crew and their backstories, goals/motives, finalized roles...etc.

3) Spaceship Design - We almost have the finished render of the ship as well as how the internals look! This will give you a visual look at how your vessel will be but also what is available on the ship.

Given all this information and the nature of what we are sharing, I wanted to get your input on how we should handle spoilers for Patreon. Let's break it up into two types:

Major Spoilers - Super big, plot twists. We are talking Snape kills Dumbledore and Darth Vader is Luke's father level of spoilers.

Normal Spoilers - These are spoilers that are not big revelations and have more to do with information that you get over time though that is what builds upon the character. This would be information like knowing Severus Snape and Lily Potter knew each other when they were young to Han Solo joining the rebellion.

The reason it might be worthwhile not to share any major spoilers is that if it is accidently read, it would be heavily detrimental to Astra's experience.

There's a couple of options available, please vote on what you think would be best on the poll. With all this being said, thank you all for your continued support, and as always, feel free to share your thoughts below. ;^)

- Dishu


Daryl Sawyer

What I'm looking forward to is, are we Warp, Hyperdrive, something else... or is this setting the rare wild *interplanetary* setting? That would make me happy.

Eclipse Productions

Yeah, ease up on spoilers; I for one want to know as little as possible before the game is released. I want to preserve the magic of the first playthrough. Some are fine, but avoid what Disney did with KH III where they basically revealed the whole game before it even came out.


Yeah I'd llike to enjoy the game and not have to worry about spoilers every time I check the patreon.

Daryl Sawyer

One thing that might have been better would be to have used check boxes instead of radio buttons. In a lot of cases people will favor a range of positions among a spectrum of choices, rather than just one choice. Allowing people to choose multiple options allows you to find the point of greatest overlap among sub-populations, information which an "only one choice" vote cannot give.

Eclipse Productions

That might just be a limitation of Patreon's voting system. I'm sure that's an option, but that would require Pixelfade to seek out a website that offers such a thing and work out that kind of system which would take time and potentially even money depending on the site. It's limited sure, but I think this way works for their games. (though if I'm given evidence to think otherwise, I would change my stance accordingly.)