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Hello Patrons,

Hope everyone has been having a great week so far! Today, I'd like to share a little bit of history followed by what the 'big' news is that has been getting hyped. So without further delay, let's get into it!

PixelFade started off as just a hobby project way back in 2014! I'm sure some of you guys remember our first iteration of ACE Academy which was known as Kendo Crush! at the time. Back then, I had also just wrapped up school and started my first real job.

I've been working full time at a day job and doing PixelFade most weekdays and some hours on the weekend. After ACE finished up, we went off to Crystalline, KAS and then Ethereal Enigma. What you may have noticed is that we had a big jump in scope and ambition between ACE and Crystalline, however Crystalline to KAS and also EE was more incremental. The reality is that while PixelFade has been growing, so has my responsibilities in my "IRL career". Due to time constraints, I basically had to spend most of my time dedicated to PixelFade on the 'business' and 'programming' side; this didn't leave much room for creative growth or innovation as we saw from ACE to Crystalline.

This is where we come to now. I have decided to depart my day job and focus entirely on PixelFade. This company is something special not only because of the amazing people that make the projects, but you, the PF community, that always shows us unconditional love and dedicated support. I think it is long overdue for me to give PixelFade my undivided attention.

So what does this mean? Whereas I was only able to give PixelFade 1-2 hours a day, I can now dedicate a proper schedule and work day to all facets of what we do. Be it creative innovation on the technical side, more coherent and engage stories, better and more flexible choice branching...etc, I now have the time to improve everything that we do!

There will be two more posts this upcoming week, one will be Astra specific (with new art assets!) and the other will be the two major feedbacks our projects always get and what I and the team plan to do to improve upon them for Astra.

That's all for now, thank you for listening to my TedTalk. Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments below and please look forward to the upcoming updates!!

- Dishu

TL;DR Version:
PixelFade has gone super saiyan!!!!!!!!




Amazing news


Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear that you finally made it to to that point! I hope the common complaints aren't going to affect the wholesomeness of your works xD

Jack Abramsky

Congrats buddy! This was a long time coming and well deserved and earned! I can’t wait to see what the future holds! I’ll be supporting all of your projects! I hope there will be ample opportunities for us in the community to be more involved in your vision!

Y.T. Cheng

As someone who's been following your games/VNs for the last 3 years, this is fantastic news! I hope it all works out well for you!

Matthew Cross

This is absolutely news of epic greatness. Huge congratulations, so happy to see you follow your passion. I believe I can speak for the whole PF community when i say we have your back and will continue to give you our utmost support. Mega hyped now as what you have done already has been truly wonderful but you now being able to fully focus your efforts to Pixelfade makes me really excited for the future.


It takes a tremendous step to leave things behind and work on something you're passionate about. Good for you, Dishu, can't wait to see what your ambitions bring us. Super hyped!


Awesome news ! I didn't know that this was a side project for this long and with all the success it had over the years. Can't wait to see what the future will bring to this community and to you guys.


We will watch your career with great interest!


That sounds fantastic, can't wait what more you have in store for us


Great news Dishu! Can’t wait to read your future projects!

Bad Strref

Congrats, Wish lots of good things and success for you. And new good games for us. :D

Kyle Colley

We're looking forward to your best Dishu! Here's to you bud, you keep doing your best!