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Just here to share Batch 3 of the CG upgrades! If you haven't seen the previous ones, links are right here for your convenience. :^)

Batch 1:

Batch 2:



Onward to Batch 3! Please note that since we are going to be discussing CG enhancements, there is possible spoilers from the CGs! Proceed with caution. O_O

Vaela Dancing

Main update for this one is the increased saturation of colors to make it more lively and also some face changes to make her more kawaii. <3

Iris Voyeurism

Main changes for Iris was her hair and her face to give her a more feminine vibe. Still got the signature stoic look though!

Luna Park

We were already very happy with this CG compositionally so mainly just a slight tweak to the vivid colors to be in line with the other upgrades! Hard to improve on the perfect that is Luna. ;^)

Iris Tie

This one has some major changes: Her eyes are more detailed and deep, hair is upgraded, and of course we boosted the color contrast!

Iris Lap

MC was a bit too much of a dead fish so we changed his eyes a bit to give him more life. Iris eyes were updated as well to keep in line with her changes in the other CGs along with her hair bangs.

Vaela Coat Share

Vaela has a boost in color vividness along with a slight shift of the head and eye shape. Some of the more perceptive of you will also note that her plot might be slightly ENHANCED.

Iris Kiss

Another composition that we were very happy with so not too much update outside of the color boost!

Vaela Kiss

And same thing with this waifu kissie as well, just a color boost. I'm noticing a trend that we were happy with all three kisses lol.

Luna Bondage

We increased Luna sexy eyes by about 36.5% which is a lot given how sexy the gaze was already! addition to that, we added little light blooms to the handcuff locks (the red light) to make it feel more secure.

Vaela Stuck

We changed Vaela's expression so it's more comedic to fit in line with the scene rather than more hentai looking LMAO. Plot is also slightly boosted along with more vivid colors!

And that is all the CG upgrades for batch 3! As the game approaches release, we are very happy to be able to polish up the artwork in Astra to make sure it is the best that it can be.

As always, please feel free to share your thoughts below! Thank you for your continued support. <3



My thoughts....uummmm, swiggity swooty?