A Date - My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! SEASON 2, EPISODE 13 (FINALE) REACTION!
And with that, for but a mere moment we say goodbye to the SNAFU crew and the girl who owns my whole entire soul.
For like a shows length... we'll be back soon.
You cannot keep me away from Yukino for that long... not again anyway.
Besides... we still got an OVA to do next week! =)
That being said again I cannot thank you all enough for stopping by and coming back to SNAFU TOO with me after so long and my own personal troubles. Means a lot. Not as much as my love for Yukino but like.. its close ish.
Love yall dearly, take care, see you next week for one last bit of fun... and then I'll see you all again in climax just a bit down the road. Until then though folks, love Yukino.
-Link to SNAFU on VRV: https://vrv.co/series/GYNQJ8GXY/My-Teen-Romantic-Comedy-SNAFU
-Link to SNAFU on Crunchyroll: https://www.crunchyroll.com/my-teen-romantic-comedy-snafu
-Link to SNAFU (physical season 1 and 2 collection) on Sentai Filmworks Website: https://www.sentaifilmworks.com/products/my-teen-romantic-comedy-snafu-seasons-1-2-complete-collection-blu-ray?_pos=1&_sid=141138ce4&_ss=r
Hey, Hi, Ho and Howdy friends and foes who love Yukino to a rather unhealthy extent!
That is right, theydies and gentlethems, we have officially returned to SNAFU TOO! after what can only be described as a WAY TOO DANG LONG PERIOD OF TIME! I hope you'll all as excited as I am to finally get back around to the adventures of best girl, bestie girl and also the other people that are cool too but are often very complicated. Point is Yukino best. It's good to be back~!
And for anyone who'd like to get more involved here are some links to things such as our discord and other thing's such as the channel's Patreon for anyone interested and generous.
- TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShannonLShook
- DISCORD: https://discord.gg/trcJ2dZ
- PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/DoubleHit
- ANILIST: https://anilist.co/user/ShannonLShook/
Link to our My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU reaction and blind commentary playlist!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEF2DtlWpjn2lCz48kYnrjvskEBsirizR
#myteenromanticcomedysnafu #snafu #oregairu #anime #animereaction #animereactions #yahariorenoseishunlovecomewamachigatteiru #yukinoshitayukino