Puella Magi Madoka Magia the Movie - Rebellion - Blind Reaction!
Homura... what did you do...?
This is one of those experiences that's kind of hard to describe, much like the show itself honestly. The journey of Homura and every single person she has come into contact with, the world she helped remake.. and the world... she chose to remake again... its been an impossibly beautiful, dark, twisted, magical and even... sparse as these times may be... delightful story that I find impossibly difficult to let go of.
Homura is such an incredibly wonderful, tragic and compelling character, through all her pain, loss, drive, conviction and... eventual betrayal... she has been someone I cannot help but root for. Someone I cannot help beg for a happy ending... Everyone in this series has gone through hell and back. Things they never deserved in a million years... but few compare to her.
This is not the end of our story... at least its not supposed to be... I sincerely hope it doesn't turn out as such. Because few things in this world mean more to me than seeing these people finally find peace... a true peace that they can all share in... not a peace where the whole world found its hope but a lone girl is forced to suffer in her loneliness. Not a peace where she turns the world and everyone in it including the girl she loves more than anything on its head. But one where they may all finally rest knowing it will be ok.
That's a lot to ask for in a dream i know.. but its what I hope to see for them... for her.
Rebellion is an absolutely phenomenal film that blew me away in ways I was never expecting.. and I was expecting a lot..
Seeing all our friends again, and even a new... old... face again meant the world. Seeing them working together as a team, as people who love and care for one another. Seeing them trying to do everything in their power to save the day, to give a dear friend peace. Meant the world. Even tho it turned sour... it was an experience i'll never forget.
I'm sorry I couldn't say more at the time of finishing this... I needed time to think and to recover a little. I hope to be back soon to you all with plenty more discussion about the movie, about this world... and about the girl who broke it.
I love you all dearly, thank you for the support and love and care you've given me on our journey through this series... It means the world...
Until those videos tho... I'll leave you with one last statement... a hard statement considering but one I stand.
Love... Homura...
-Link to PuellaMagiMadokaMagica on Crunchyroll: https://www.crunchyroll.com/puella-magi-madoka-magica
-Link to Madoka Magica on Funimation: https://www.funimation.com/shows/puella-magi-madoka-magica/
(I would normally try and link a proper streaming site or a page to buy the film here but it exists like no where and its the worst so yeah, sorry guys...)
This time we are covering the Puella Magi Madoka Magia movie "Rebellion".
Somethings to note:
Outside of the subtitles of the video, I won't be including video content so as to avoid any real trouble from the great gods of video that have really every right to ask me not to use their content.
Same thing with audio.
I will include a timer and a link to whatever I'm watching so you can be sure to keep up and watch whatever I happen to be viewing along side me.
There will be exceptions to these rules (Primarily RoosterTeeth Content as they are very forgiving when it comes to such videos) But unless told other wise, simply expect these rules!
I must also ask to keep spoilers out of the comment section, I want to say I don't have to say that but... lord knows there's always that one guy... come on Steve... don't be that guy.
Any and all video content used in these videos is the rightful property of those who own said content. The only thing I make claim to is the voice that comes out of my face and the work put into editing the video.
Lillie's Theme Remix by Emdasche
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Link to our Puella Magi Madoka Magica animereaction playlist!: