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So yeah hey everyone, as you can see things didn't end up going quite the way I had originally thought I might try... in the end just didn't feel comfortable with the picture in picture route, and didn't want the significant hassle of working on an entire other site as well just for that either.

SO yeah, Twilight wings episode 4 is here as per usual THO, I think i'm going to be swapping over to a timer based reaction like with most other series on the channel instead. Hope that works for you guys, hope you enjoy the video, and I hope you're doing mighty fine these days. Love ya much, take care, stay safe, be pokemon masters! <3


Pokemon Twilight Wings, Episode 4 "Early-Evening Waves" Blind Reaction!

(Heads up, this reaction series will contain mature language! Just a warning since it's Pokémon!) Also the episode reaction proper (timer based from this point on, you'll need your own video) begins around 16:50! =) I cannot express how beautiful this is... both you know.. the episode and Nessa.... and Sonia........................AND MA GIRL MARNIE TOO! God i love this so much... Point is it was absolutely great. 2 quick things to talk about. 1. So you might notice that despite me talking about how I was gonna try changing things up a little here, it really didn't, it more just went to a normal timer based thing rather than what we had before or a full picture in picture. Basically the picture in picture thing didn't work out both because it was a whole tedious other process involving me working with other random ass websites and such which I didn't care for and also cause I just honestly didn't feel super comfortable with it in the end. Its not my video, I was not given express permission to use it, it feels wrong for me on a personal level. So yeah I'm sorry for that guys but yeah.. just gonna stick with how I do things. 2..... we know I was just having some fun with the dewgong thing right? like I don't honestly care that they had a dewgong in here? You may say "Shannon... of course who cares" cause apparently a lot of people did... enough for the Pokemon company to have to apologize to people for having it in there... which is stupid. Anyway, just saw that this morning and honestly felt... unhappy that I even had the dumb bit in there cause its... its really not that serious. Anyway hope you guys enjoy the episode, you already know I loved it. Also hope you're cool with the move to timer specific videos as well. Sorry for being so late to the party but you know how it is. Love yall dearly, take care, and keep being pokemon masters and such. =) -Link to Pokémon Twilight Wings episode 3 on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0cXpOnfX6I Hey, hi, ho, and howdy my anime compadre's! That's right, it's finally happened... I finally married a peng- wait... NO that's not what this video is about! This video is a reaction video! This time we are covering episode 3 of Pokémon Twilight Wings! Somethings to note: I must ask to keep spoilers out of the comment section, I want to say I don't have to say that but... lord knows there's always that one guy... come on Steve... don't be that guy. Any and all video content used in these videos is the rightful property of those who own said content. The only thing I make claim to is the voice that comes out of my face and the work put into editing the video. -Outro Music: Lillie theme Fanmade by Emdasche - TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShannonLShook - DISCORD: https://discord.gg/trcJ2dZ - PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/DoubleHit - ANILIST: https://anilist.co/user/ShannonLShook/ Link to our Pokémon Twilight Wings Playlist! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEF2DtlWpjn1uzDQV2781asV-rLn_bJXJ #reaction #Pokemon #twilightwings


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