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Sigh… been struggling quite a bit on colouring this drawing… First I drew on the wrong resolution so I had to redo the lineart on the drawing… Then when I start shading her skin it just didn’t look good enough so I did it for a second time… Orz

As I was colouring the girls, I decided it would look better if the canvas is wider… I also adjusted the angle of their outpointing leg to match my original rough sketch better, I think this makes the pose look prettier 030

realize their hair is more brown hue in game, so this time I tried match the colour with the game better… honestly I still feel very uncertain about the colour choices…

I tried add more highlight details for their hair, hopefully this makes their hair feel glossy and pretty~ Although I am not sure if I overdid it a bit?

I was going to use the same colours as I used for Atago Takao years ago, but then I thought it is better to use new colours so it looks more align with the game art's colour. Please let me know what you think >A<




So good


They look stunning! You've done an amazing job capturing their beauty. I think the coloring and highlighting looks really good too! Have more confidence in yourself! I can't wait to see the finished version of this; it might end up being my favorite set of yours. Keep up the good work, and take care! I hope everything irl has been going alright.