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Hi everyone! 

So as stated I will be busy catching up with university works and won’t have a lot of time to draw new works. As you probably guessed this month’s content will be late as well, and which is why I want to ask your opinion on this.

I was wondering would you guys prefer to have:

•Regular content at end of month, but sacrificing the voted characters. So for example this month I probably will be finishing Riko first, but will take a much longer time until I can get onto Shielder. So instead of making you guys wait for weeks, maybe I skip Shielder and do only 1 character in upcoming months for faster content. THEN, in June/summer ish I will go back and work on all the missing winners all at once.

OR, I will continue drawing both winners on the poll but the release date on content isn’t guarantee, worst case might wait for a month or so. But this will ensure the consistency on the content packs being 2 characters per months.

OR, close the character poll until June, and for meantime just draw on whatever new pictures that come to my mind instead of fanart poll.

So if you guys can let me know which option you prefer then I can think on which option to go for. As mention due to the lack of contents, upcoming packs will include my older works from April-September 2016.

Lastly, for this Riko drawing I already coloured most of her body. Now I just got to draw the dog and the variations etc, which hopefully can be done by this weekend or so. Thanks for reading.




Let's go with variant C: Close the poll, draw what the fuck you like.



Takuya Sawatari

Well, I would go with option C as well, because I assume that it's more fun for you to draw what you like most. You usually come up with nice girls to draw and are open to feedback. It's no drama if you wait a few months before opening the next poll.


Thank you~ Well to be honest as long as it is R18 and pretty character, it is always fun for me to draw!! But due to the situation I am in atm, drawing whatever comes up my mind will make everything feel less stressful 030/ although this also means I might do quite a lot non-R18 doodle as well, hopefully you guess will still like it XD Thank you for your understanding~