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So as many of you guys might know, I been stuck in depression for quite some time… Usually I will try ignore it best I can and just force myself into drawing to get through it, but it has become harder and harder these days…

I know I am not good enough as an artist, (can see that from my earning), but I always try and see if there is ways I can improve somehow… I took through some tutorials, some PSD files etc, finding bits from other artists that make sense to me, and try add into my new drawings hoping it will somehow make my drawings look better. But in reality, I lack too much art knowledge and am not artistic enough, and I can’t figure how to achieve certain effects by myself. Sketching by itself is a lot of fun, as it allows me to express the stories or scenarios I want to tell. But when it comes to colouring, I just become so lost, and end up developing this “fear” whenever I colour, knowing that I won’t be able to produce anything good. Now it has been almost 2 weeks where I am just sitting in front of the canvas and unable to draw anything… I wonder if I can push through, or is this the time I should just give up and quit…

As hard as it is, it was nice some of you guys here will always let me know you guys enjoy my works, and I am very grateful for that. But recently another “fan” who I mistakenly consider a friend, maybe with good intentions he decide to judge my art despite I never asked him to. He reminded me that I have been doing Patreon for over 5 years by now and compared to other artists I simply isn’t improving enough. He continues by saying my art is too simple for CG works, and that my art is no different from Western cartoon-level quality. I know my art isn’t exactly detailed, as I spend too much time making sure all the lines are correct etc. But it is true that compare to many other people I simply isn’t good enough hence why over so long I don’t really have much of a growth in my earning… He suggests I should just use AI to assist in my art, but I dunno, I feel like even with AI it won’t save me as I still lack the skill to create a good image by myself… At a time when people prefer AI over human art, ngl it makes me regret sooo much becoming an artist… I was naïve to believe I was somehow special…

I really want to improve and push to the next level, but I don’t know how. And if I stop patreon to go practice or something, I lost my income. Then again, I don’t even know where to look or where to learn… I am so bad these days I feel like I might have to start from the fundamentals and learn from the bottom again, I might as well quit Art at this point. But art is all I got and I pretty much have no other skills, so the question is… Maybe I should just hard reset my life tbh… the easy way out am I right??? These thoughts have been stuck in my mind for weeks now, but as I think myself to anxiety just now I thought it might be good to vent it out here… I don’t even know why I write this online, but I guess if someday I vanish here is the explanation huh? Ah and don’t worry, I will refund the commission if I ever decide to quit everything… Anyway… just gonna try get some sleep, and see if I can somehow draw again tomorrow…




But, I love your art the way it is rightnow.


He call it simple, so what? It's already your style. You can try to improve all you want, but I don't think you need to change your artstyle to be as detailed possible.


This is my opinion. There are a number of "popular" artists who release very few "fully finished" arts, and instead share their ongoing line-arts and drafts, many of which will never become finished pieces. And that's fine. Personally, I really enjoy seeing your works-in-progress, even if you don't finish them, because we can see how you are thinking, and how the arts are progressing. In short, I would say don't stress over the coloring, details, or backgrounds, or whatever is frustrating you the most right now. Work on what you enjoy, feel free to make modifications, try different approaches, etc.


I'm new here, but I love your glossy and bright colouring style. I would definitely want to commission you! I wish I could tell you something to cheer you up, but I don't know how to art,


Accidentally deleted my previous comment so I'll try to type it again here. I don't see why it is a problem for your art to be "simple". simple isn't a bad thing nor do I see why your aren't can't be a CG work. Same with "cartoon-level quality". People like to act like cartoons have poor art quality even though many of them are amazing. Even then, I think your art is better more detailed than most cartoons I see. Many people still appreciate and prefer actual hand-drawn art over AI art. I don't think you should use AI either as your art will lose your touch and style. There is one artist I saw who started to make AI-assisted art and there was a noticeable lose in quality compared to their old art and it didn't even look like their anymore. Don't stress yourself out to much about creating your art, it'll only make it less enjoyable for you. As for improving, that can only come slowly with time so don't stress yourself over that either. Like another user said, I also love seeing your wips posts. One of favorite things to see from artists is how they develop and create their art. Your coloring is not bad either, I love seeing you fill in your art with your colors, which I find to be really unique. I said this before and I'll say it again, you are one of my favorite artists. I love how all your art is cute, shiny/bright and the girls are always beautiful. I'm not good at being supportive but I hope this helped.

Momo Kawashima

Take this as you will. People these days are way too obsessed with how popular they are and it leads to sadness and impossible expectations. I know tons and tons of popular artists who make money posting artwork that is AI generated. You should be proud of everything you have done so far, and I am proud of your work. I really appreciate your quality over quantity and how you engage with your audience. It's really cool to see your work and your process. I appreciate your work ^_^


It takes a lot of confidence/braveness to create something and put it out there for others to see. You should be proud of what you created, just because one person dislikes your work doesn't mean that its not good. You have your own style to your work, and it is completely fine, your art is recognizable as your own. How much realism does someone expect, not everything can or should be photorealistic; art is a medium used to express that which does not exist in real life. If art was only used to depict realistic scenarios, what would the point of even looking it be as the real world would be just as if not more interesting to observe. Be proud of your work and move forward with confidence there are many who like what you do and want you to keep doing it. The opinion of one person shouldn't make your forget about what everyone else thinks.


I just want it to be known that one of the things I like most is your art style, the simplicity of it is actually very nice and I would actually love to see more artists use a similar style. I would be very saddened if this results in you leaving the community, but your mental health comes before anything else. I wish you the best.


I love your ART very much (especially the story part, which is very unique and fantastic), you are a great artist.


I really like your current art style, hope you can cheer up


とても繊細な問題だと思います… 僕からすれば、ppshexさんは毎回とてもユニークで、素晴らしい作品を沢山描くことのできるクリエイターだと強く思っています…!(そうでなければここまでずっと支援もしてないかと!) 時々辛いお話もされていたりしているのも知っているので、一旦休息しても良いのかなとも思います…でも、僕個人としては、いつまでもあなたの素敵な作品が生み出されるのを心待ちしています…! とてもややこしくて、長くなってしまいましたが、どうかお身体を大切にしてください! 最後にもう一度、あなたの作品が大好きです!

Momo Kawashima

For what its worth, I think that you are a talented artist. Your work is beautiful, well detailed, and unique. I have always admired your work and have been happy to grab it when it hits Gumroad. I think the major issue is lack of exposure, and I think that your viewers may be able to help with that. I can certainly try promoting your work on things like Twitter and Deviantart if you like. There are people out there who would love to get your work, I think we just need to find them ^_^


いつも応援してくれて、ありがとう!! (ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥)


Thnak you for your kind words!! I dont know... I mean, twitter these days ain't that artist friendly I think?? and DeviantArt these days just kinda gone to shit XD but ya anyway thank you for your support! (ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥)