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Sorry for long absence… Recently someone really annoys me by bringing back bad memories, caused me to go back into depressed mode and unable to draw anything good for ages… It’s like no matter what I draw I just can’t get something I am happy with…

I drew similar pose quite a few times before, so I want to make sure this one is different… After like 10 tries on this same pose in different angles, I finally got one that works!!

So here is Ayaka presenting her Ikebana skill to Inazuma citizens!~ Sorry but vanilla sex just isn’t my thing… XD

Always enjoy drawing weird shits in a girl’s pussy~ but damm pretty such these sakura branches will be a huge pain to draw…

The final image is meant to have Ayaka covered in cum, but I am too lazy to add it on the sketch, so I guess you guys will just have to wait for the cum version haha

Anyway hope you guys like this~

Other pages: https://sta.sh/2wbhwctfr4t




この生け花はいいアイデアですね! おまんこの栄養で花が長持ちしそうです。


thank you for drawing this flower pot I didn't know that I needed in my room. Please dm me if anyone found this on sell.


ありがとう~ 残念ながら、花は「花瓶」の中に長く保管されません。 彼女には別の義務があるから(๑✧◡✧๑)


haha!! I wish to get myself a flower pot like this as well, but unfortunately it seems this is an Inazuma specialty XD Need to find shogun to let me migrate~(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑