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Decide to doodle a little as stress relief.

So I always see in anime kids will have beetle fights for fun, so I got this idea a while back, featuring a girl from idolmaster, using her pr0lapse as a “beetle” to fight. But since atm Genshin is having a beetle fight event, I thought this will work very well using Kuki instead~ By sticking googly eyes on the side, then put a wood stick in and you got yourself a super powerful Crimson Beetle!!~

Mannn, these Onikabuto are freaking HUGE!!! I always knew they are kinda big but didn’t expect them to be this big XD I wonder if all insects in Genshin are bigger than normal as well 030

Hope you guys like this fun little doodle XD




never a fan of beetle fights, but now... good job


Wow that's a very erotic doodle! I love the idea! Kuki looks like she's in for a fun time hahaha. Hope you are feeling a bit less stressed. Take care of yourself!


thank you! glad you like this idea~(^ω^) haha ye~ but stuff is only getting started XD I am sure she will enjoy it even more when the fight happens~!


どうもお久しぶりです!とてもいいイラストですね! 続きがあるのかとちょっとだけ期待しちゃいました( ;∀;) (機会があったら見たいです!) お体にお気をつけて~~!


お久しぶりです!~ありがとう~~ 最近、友人がこれに資金を提供することに興味があると言いました~ いつか描くかも〜ヾ(。・ω・。)