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Happy new year!! Honestly it isn’t that exciting in my opinion, but I will still say it as I wish you guys a happy 2023~

So it is that time of the year again, 2022 art summary… _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_

WTF this year went so stupidly fast! ლ(。-﹏-。 ლ) It feels like I barely done anything, the year just flew like some rocket ship full speed… Last year I thought it was depressing to see how few artworks I manage to finish, but damm this year is even worst… 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。

I guess this is because this year’s works are even more difficult than last year… with each drawing so difficult it feels like I am stuck in these never-ending drawings for ages… ε=o(´ロ`||)

My pixiv view counts this year has been terrible compare to last year… (Most likely to do with my slow and irregular upload schedule…) Although this makes me really sad, but looking back I guess I should also feel proud on the fact that I am able to finish quite a lot of the crazy difficult artworks… Let me know which drawing is your favourite in 2022~!!

Lastly I want to thank everyone of you for sticking around… Supporting me despite of my slow speed, meh quality art, and always saying kind things to support me. I really want to get better on drawing but honestly I am kinda stuck duno how to improve, so I hope at least some of my wild ideas can continue entertain you guys~ Thank you sooo sooo much again for always being here, I really wish you guys all have an awesome new year! 。゚✶ฺ.ヽ(*´∀`*)ノ.✶゚ฺ。




Happy new year, despite the slow speed of your work, you will still be my favorite artist, and I will respect your decision in the future as always, don't worry too much and stay healthy. Best of luck to you <3


Happy New Year! You did a great job this year, especially considering that you caught covid. You have some of the best ideas for drawings in the business, and every set you've put out has been phenomenal. If I had to pick a favorite this year, I'd probably be stuck between the onsen and the Ganqing set. The onsen is a work of art and was a massive undertaking, but in terms of uh, excitement levels, the Ganqing set was just incredibly erotic. I'm really looking forward to what you make going forward. Best of luck and take care!


Haha thanks~ Onsen was so much work but I am really glad I was able to draw so many girls into the same scene~ As for Ganqing, it was my first time drawing f1sting so I was a bit worried at first, it makes me so happy to see you guys enjoyed that one so much (´ω` )