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 So this is the update of the current fanart poll. Currently ShibuRin and Darkness is in the lead~
If you still havent voted, please do so as your votes can change the outcome!! 




Hm... I almost know none of these girls D: I do know Rin Shibuya so I'll vote for her (though I despise Cinderella's girls with all my heart). And that Mikumo Guynemer looks nice, so I'll vote for her too (it's two votes per person right?)


Very well, the rest of my votes will go to Koromagu-chan and Mikumo Guynemer.


haha dammm XDDD despise Cinderella's girls?? why? 030 I watched both and I prefer LL way more, but Cinderella's girls was okay too, has very nice looking cahracters. Everyone gets 3 votes XD so you have one more character to pick~