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So~~ I finally watched the film this week~~ Really enjoyed it~ 

Haven't really draw guys for sooooo long (don't include the ojisan I drew months back.). To be honest I actually want to draw more couples, but then.... forever alone here can't handle the brightness.........




Aaaah, two weeks left to wait for me until it's released here in France!!! I'm really eager to go and see it :D Glad to see you liked it ^^


The film is really really good, I am sure you will like it ^^


Yes, happy couples can be the worst for lonely guys! From the background i assume that this is from the new Shinkai Makoto movie i heard about some time ago?


indeed =3= xmas is going to be quite boring with single bell again for another year =w= yes indeed it is, this is a fanart from the movie "Your Name"~