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Ah… Just finished colouring the body… sorry for taking so long…

Will start drawing their outfit and pr0lapse next. It will take quite some time, since I will be drawing for 2 girls at once, and there will be quite a lot of details on their outfit and accessories.

As for the background, at first I want to use an in-game screenshot of Inazuma street. But the street was too wide therefore unable to give off a festival feeling I want. So I will be using the serenitea pot system, and make a festival looking scene inside the game. Hopefully that won’t be too much work, then all I have to do is add some effects and the people on the street, then I will be done for the background~

I really hope I can finish this drawing before end of this month… Gosh why am I sooo slow (TTwTT)rz




Wow they look incredible! No need to apologize for being delayed; honestly you still did a great job. Really excited to see the finished version of this!




Thanks for understanding~ I will do my best ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚