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When I first saw the scene of her getting dumped into the parasitic worms pit in Fate/Zero back in 2012, I already want to draw this idea!! Back then attempted it once but it wasn't good, now finally drew one that I am happy with~!

In this picture my version of Sakura, actually like these worms a lot and willingly accept them~ That worm bed is soooo annoying to draw Ɛ =((´0`))

Originally similar idea of a girl sitting on a bed of worms was going to be use in "Parasite Experiment", but due to conflict with the client in the end this idea was kept.┐(´-`)┌

When I was drawing this I had no idea how to fill the drawing with worms, but somehow I did it XDD Result turns out better than I expected too~ creepyer than expected too LOL (゚⊿゚)

Just imagine... all those tails of worms, flicking.. twitching and bashing onto their bodies, making creepy noises..... LOLOLOLOLOLOL

This drawing will also be available in the December pack. (´• ω •`) 




Indeed it renders very well. And oh oh oh, is that some nipple fucking I see? :DDD You're getting dirtier pp, I can't say I hate it :DD


thank you (*´▽`*) yes it is nip fuking XD what you talking about? I am always dirty XDDD originally this picture was going to use pee hole and anus too, but sadly the pose doesn't allows it 030