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The October package will be send this week or early next week when I receive the money from patron~ further information will be up in upcoming days.

This is a sketch I started last year November, originally planned to be a big drawing pack similar to how the animal stories are, with over 50 pages etc.

This picture pack theme is based on the game “Killing Floor 2”, as a respond on there quest I had years ago about a sequel of the "Left 4 Dead" zombie rape series. So this pack will actually feature 4 girls getting raped by different types of zombie. And I planned this to be my most extreme artwork ever.

But sadly I am not sure the day of this drawing pack getting finish will actually come, due to university and work etc., maybe one day when I have more funding I can make the time to finish this, hopefully.

Anyway just thought this is something interesting to show you guys ( ゚ω゚)/




Oh, i remember the awesome zombie drawings you posted on pixiv. They were so super hot! I felt so sorry for the poor girls, getting done by zombies. But putting them in dangerous situations is part of what makes it so hot, so i hope you will make more like this!


Yes~~putting the powerless girls in ugly dangerous monsters’ hand make it very hot~~ I do hope to finish this as well, as I have a lot of crazy plans with this pack, especially the birthing scenes will be absolutely crazy LOL But sadly time and money is a BIG problem, since making a drawing pack takes quite a long time… I did consider ask for a fundraising on this project but I am not sure if people will interest in funding me on this…