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Hi everyone. Some of you might noticed that I have deleted the post few days ago regarding the way I am running this patreon, reason being that after discussing with a few of my patrons I have decided to approach this differently again. So here are the changes.

• I realized that the pricing on the current Tiers are too overpriced, especially when the high-res versions are in jpg, so from now on the png file will be available. The current Tier 1 will be reduced to 5usd instead, continue with jpg files. Tier 2 will be at 10usd, with png file this time around.

• Some drawings have exclusive nude versions, but these versions were never intended to be nude in the original plan. These will now move to 10USD Tier (2).

• I decided to cut access to the backlogs, and changing the way of how you will receive the rewards. Over past few months I have at least 3-5 people who pledge for 1 day then left, exploiting the system and download the content freely. I felt this is really unfair not only to me, but also to the ones who chose to support me. So I decided instead of allowing the download on a post, I will be sending direct message to you after I receive your payment first week of each month.

• After taking considerations, I have decided to upload psd files as part of the reward, in Tier 3. Due to the lack of confidence in my own works, the psd file will have quite a lot of collapsed layers, so don’t expect too much things such as seeing the way I work etc. this is just a option to allow you playing around with the layers etc.

• From now on I will also be uploading working in progress sketches onto my patreon for patrons above Tier 1, and this way you guys can discuss or suggest stuff you want to see on drawings (Although do not expect I will listen to all suggestions XD)

• I have made a milestone of $150, and once this is reached, I will start putting up a character poll for you guys to vote monthly. This character poll will be characters chosen by me, or any suggestion from you guys that interest me. The poll will also have a section to allow you guys to pick the theme of the drawing. 

• upcoming months I might get more busy and less time to draw, so it might result on lack of content. To compensate for that I will probably upload some previous works in png formats so you guys won't feel getting ripped off.I think that’s everything, if there is anything you want to suggest, please feel free to drop a comment below and I will happily discuss with you.Thank you so much again for your support.




PNGs and PSDs! Now this is perfect. I already upgraded to tier 3. Well, the thing about sending rewards separately is understandable. It would be nice to have a way for latecomers to pay for previous content. You forgot a negation in "so you guys feel getting ripped off". It's saying the opposite of what you mean :D


Thank you for your support ^^ and as for the previous content thing, if people start asking in the future, I might make a Gumroad account so people can buy the previous contents. Only if people ask for it though 030 oo thank you, I have adjusted it now~