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Sorry for the long wait… I have been taking a short break after finish the “Richelieu X Le Malin” set, finally got around to play some games for stress relief, and get back up to date on the game events XD

Anyway, I know some of you have been eager to see this drawing finish… Well, I am happy to announce, I will finally go back working on this Sakura Onsen drawing!!

After starting back in 2020, I have been putting this on hold due to the complexity and amount of work for this drawing. But since the 5th anniversary of the JP server is coming soon, I thought this will be the perfect time for me to get this drawing done!

But as I was about to begin the colouring, I realize there are quite a lot of errors even though I tried fix them all back in November last year… and seeing how the back characters are so blurry and pixelated, I decided to rework this drawing completely, and also bumping this drawing double the previous resolution, so hopefully now the drawing will be as detail as possible (kinda) XD

Mum scold me for putting too much effort into this drawing… Especially a lot of the back characters will get blocked by the ones in the foreground… But since I am only going to draw such crazy drawing once, I thought I should get everything as perfect as I can, and draw out full body for most girls…

Since I am reworking pretty much all the characters, it will take quite some time for me to re-line them all as well as fixing all the errors… Here are some GIF comparison of the characters I fixed so far… I honestly can’t believe how badly drawn some of these were, as I end up have to basically completely redraw the whole character from scratch…

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the sneak peek of the drawing, and I hope you are also excited on this drawing~~






Ooh, glad to see this one back in the works! It does indeed seem like a ton of hard work, but I'm confident that you'll be able to accomplish it. Looking forward to seeing future updates to this one, it's already cool to see the adjustments so far!


Thanks~ ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚I hope this will turn out good haha